So... Ponies? (Skydoesminecraft Deadlox and TrueMU)

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(Skydoesminecraft, Deadlox and TrueMU)


"My head hurts..." Ty groaned.

"My back hurts..." Jason groaned.

"My back and my head hurt..." Sky groaned and opened his eyes. Something was wrong. Really wrong. "JASON I'M STARTLED!!!!"

"Five more minutes..." Jason said before going back to sleep.

"WAKE UP YOU LAZY FLANK!!!" Sky yelled in his face.

Jason jumped up and struggled over Ty, who was still asleep. Ty just continued snoring.

"What's wrong?" Jason asked, while stretching his wings. Wait... Wings?!

"Well first of all: We're ponies, JASON!!!! PONIES!!!!"

"I can see! But HOW?!"

In his sleep Ty muttered something about a 'pony dimension portal mod'.

"We're screwed. So. F******. Screwed." Sky said. "TY!! WAKE UP!!! WE'RE PONIES!!!"


Meanwhile a group of mares walked into the forest, really close to the group of minecrafters.

"The magic energy is here the highest, but I don't see anything out of ordinary." Twilight Sparcle said.

"Except that group of minecrafters?" Pinkie said while pointing at a group of three ponies.

Twilight wanted to ask what minecrafters are, but Rainbow Dash was faster.

"What are minecrafters? Pinkie are you alright?" The rainbow maned pony asked.

"Videogame players from another dimension of course, silly!" The asked mare responded.


The group of 4 mares (Rarity was in Canterlot and AJ was working on the farm) walked towards the group of strange ponies.


"They're coming towards us! Jason! Help!" Sky yells and he ducks away behind the pegasus in spacesuit.

Pinkie rushed forward and started to do her usual introduction. So needless to say both Sky and Jason were lying on the ground in a few seconds.

"Pinkie get of them. You're scaring them." Rainbow says as she rushs over followed by Twilight and Fluttershy.

"She didn't scare me." The butter colored alicorn (Sky) says.

"Sure." Jason replied sarcasticly. "So that's why you hid so bravely behind me?"

Ty stayed quiet the whole time.

"Is he alright?" Fluttershy her soft voice spoke from behind the group.

"I thinks so." Sky replied. He walked over to Ty and yelled: "TY! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"

The unicorn jumped up.

"Bananas!" He looked around and shook himself awake. "Where are we?"

Twilight muttered something about a dimension hole befre replying.

"You're on the edge of the Everfree Forest." She said.

She looked back at the minecrafters, two of them looked confused and it wasn't possible to see Jason's face.

"Near Ponyville? In Equestria?" Twilight hinted them.

"It doesn't ring any bells." Sky said.

"I told you: They're minecrafters and they're from another universe where ponies don't talk and were the main species are hairless monkeys that walk on their hind legs!" Pinkie looked at the group with curious eyes. "Am I right?"

"Pinkie, that's-" Twilight tried to say, but she got interrupted by Jason.

"That's right. How did you know?"

"Your cutiemarks , silly! They're almost the same as Sparklezs!"

"Jordan is here?!" Sky had a look of suprise on his face. "That explains why he didn't answer his skype!"

"It's getting late. We should head to home. Do you guys have a place to stay?" Twilight asked. The crafters shook their heads. "I have no more rooms, because Sparklez has the guest room.

"The Cakes wouldn't mind another pony."

"I have room on the couch."

"One of you can stay at my place with me."

"That's settled. We'll see eachother tomorrow." Twilight said.

Rainbow and Jason flew of towards a Rainbow's cloudhouse.

Sky and Fluttershy walked towards the cottage near the forest.

Ty sighed and followed the hyper pink mare.

Twilight walked into the libary and looked at a unicorn that that had fallen asleep on the book he was reading. She kissed his cheek and cuddled up next to him.


Readers YU NO Request?

Sorry this took a while. My parents took my phone away. And my iPad. And my computer. And my 3ds. And my dsi.

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