Chapter 8: Taxi driver

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We exited the airport as quick as possibly, Archer had wanted to ride on the bag carrier but I had held him back. Ray was silent on the walk out, unlike a very hyped Archer who hadn't been out in public for a while. If you hadn't guessed.

Archer had conned us into letting him drive and keep us both in the back, saying he had always wanted to pretend to be taxi driver. Bullshit.

Rolling my eyes at him I didn't fight this matter, knowing he would pull out a few of my old embarrassing stories. I honesty didn't care but if I'm working with this guy for the next few days then I'd better keep up my good reputation, which hopefully hadn't been tarnished too much.

I helped Ray put his two bags in the boot as Archer made a run for the toilets. My eyes watching the large black duffle bag, I had already guessed that they were weapons but I was curious as to how he got them through security. Opening my mouth I quickly shut it as I remembered his ability, I don't think this is a question I'll want answered.

I silently climbed into the seat behind the drivers, giving me the ability to kick Archeys back if he became irritable. I turned to see were Ray had gotten to but he was already climbing into the seat beside me.

Archer was taking his sweet ass time as Ray and I maintained a very awkward silence. Both our eyes staring at the head rests of the seats in front of us, Ray coughed before scratching his brown hair which was very messed up. Probably due to the long plane ride he had taken to get here.

Deciding the break the silence I turned to look at him, my strictly straight posture was kept.

"So, how long are you staying?"

I was generally interested as it'd give me a rough idea on how long I'd be working with him. His eyes met mine while he leaned back into the crack between the seat and the door.

"For as long as Grey lets me stay"

His gaze was fleeting at this and I let it be, the silence returned for only a few seconds as Archey ran back with a movie like taxi hat on. Practically leaping into the seat he turned the car on and started to furiously reverse.

"Hope you've got your seat belts on kids"

I turned back as Archer drove like it was his first time in a car and saw a very angry looking man running after the car. He gave up after a few strides and began letting a flow of curse words leave his mouth.

My widened eyes met Ray's shocked ones as we both looked towards Archer at the same time, Ray deciding to speak.

"Umm, Archer.. What'd you do?"

Archer waved his hand as if to dismiss the topic.

"Don't worry about it, let's get onto the topic of you two"

His eyes could be seen wiggling in the review mirror, bringing my leg up I harshly kicked him in the back. Getting a loud cry from Archer in return. Ray, who was now very confused, looked at me as if wanting an explanation. A loud sigh came from my mouth as I explained

"Archer is a hopeless romantic in some ways and thinks we'll fall passionately in love with each other"

My eyes rolling at the thought of all the 'ideas' Archer had come up with to try and convince Ray to like me. The males mouth opened to look like an 'o' in slight understanding. I continued anyway.

"That's why he was acting all goody goody with me at security clearance, he was trying to make you 'jealous'"

Ray was frowning slightly as he spoke,

"Sooo, you and him never actually..."

I looked at him to continue but Archer had caught on and decided his voice should be heard.

"Oh no, we actually slept together once. Horribly. Not recommended"

I threw my eyes back as I rolled them in the process, feeling the need to cover my pride.

"What happened to 'it was amazing'?"

I asked with an innocent voice, my eyes widening. This look doesn't work on Grey but it definitely works on Archer. But before Archer could comment Ray interrupted.

"I don't want to hear about your sex lives, no offence"

Both Achey and I looked at the slightly disgusted male. I turned away to look out the window as Archey fist pumped

"So you are jealous?? Wow I didn't think it'd actually work"

Ray just met my gaze and we both rolled our eyes in time. A laugh sprucing out of our mouths. The first time this man had cracked from his "nonchalant and cool" persona.

The rest of the ride home was quiet, Archer only spoke up a few times to get conversation going but he soon dropped it. About three hours since leaving the airport we had made it to Grey's place, who was still seated out front. I was too tired to get into a fight with him regarding Rays trickster abilities and just headed straight upstairs, only I was stopped half way up the stairs by a shouting Grey.

"Show Ray to the guest bedroom that's on the second floor"

Groaning under my breath I waited until Ray had entered the house. His eyes quickly giving it a once over, no doubt taking in it's safety hazards. A loud cough coming from me interrupted him as he jogged up the stairs to reach my side. His two bags in hand which caused his biceps to show their glory, quickly turning around I headed towards the guest room. As we walked I pointed out a few of the other rooms, telling him most of Grey's very few rules before we both reached his door. I gave him a curt nod before turning on my heel to head to my room, but as he called out to me I stopped. Not turning around.

"Kayla... uhhh, Thanks"

I smiled as I turned my head slightly

"No problem, I hope Archer hasn't scared you off with his Cupid fantasies"

A crake of a smile forming on his lips

"Me? Scared? Nah"

With a small laugh we parted ways, he headed into his room and I headed towards mine. Despite our few shared moments of jokes - I still wasn't convinced of his authenticity. He was a trickster after all.

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