Chapter 9: Pain inflictor

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I hadn't noticed how modern our training facilities were until I was standing out front of them at the crack of dawn. The building was painted a very light grey, ironic.

My eyes moved around the building as I took in its neatness. There were red blossoming flowers out the front, there was red dirt spread out across the front with a path made from largely cut rocks.

Tapping my brown combat boots on the large rock which was displayed as a 'memorial', I practically rolled my eyes right out of my head every time I see it. Grey had only put it there because he said that all other professional environments had large rocks out front, right. Anyways.

I had dressed in black tight pants which were referred to as skins due to the fact that they gripped into your legs tightly like another layer of skin. A loose light blue tank top was covering my abdomen but depending on how intense our sessions would get then I may take it off and stay in my sports bra.

A blue four wheel drive pulled into my view, coming up the red dirt road which was surrounded by over growing pine trees. Gives the place a homey touch. I had already suspected who the car to belong to, Ray.

We would have left together despite the fact that he was a late riser and I wanted to go for a quick run in the forest. As the man jumped from the car I took a few steps towards him, he was acceptably dressed in black shorts. A tight grey shirt could be seen under his navy blue jacket which was decorated with a white strip from the shoulders to his wrist. Black tinted sunglasses rested on the top of his head had me confused, turning my head to the side I nodded my head at him as he reached my position. Silently asking what the sunnies where for since it wasn't even bright.

He smirked when catching onto what I was referring to, after his exaggerated slow walk to meet me half way up the buildings tilted surface.

"They're intimidating"

He expressed a sigh at my inability to catch on, how will sunglasses intimidate the newby's? My question somewhat answered when he explained

"Well, if I wear sunglasses they can't see my eyes so when one gets on my nerves I can glow my eyes and har rar, they comply"

I get a skeptical gaze on him, a loud sign came from his mouth as he was clearly annoyed.

"No, I won't use my ability on them. I told you this before"

Deciding not to infuriate him by adding a sarcastic comment which would roll off my tongue in seconds if I let it, instead I turned on my heel and headed inside. Motioning him to follow me.

"They'll be here in a few minutes"

The building had glass doors which were easy to push open. Once entering you meet a blue steel carpeted area which had a 'waiting' room of sorts with books and chairs. Even a little green plant in the corner, a large receptionist desk on the other side.

We walked forward through arch way entrance. The first one on your right would lead to your typical gym. The others stemming off into more extensive areas which included; the boxing arena, swimming pool, gymnasium, basket ball court and at the end was a single glass door leading to a large oval.

Ray and I shared a sinister grin as we both rushed froward onto the oval. Despite his obviously liking for the outdoors due to his wolf I could tell he also favored the outdoors probably due to his military training. I also liked the outdoors simply because it's easier to run when you have the space to.

The bustle coming from the front of the building could be heard as the pair of us looked at each other. Both rushing back into the building, with me in the lead. I stopped in the hallway to make sure my outfit was straightened before walking forward, Ray had pulled his glasses off the top of his head so they were now over his eyes and followed me, practically stepping on my heels in the process.

As we walked out we were greeted with about seven wolves, three girls and four boys. I immediately took in all their appearances, they seemed to range between the ages of 13 to 20 possibly. It was a rough guess.

A loud grunt came front beside me to catch the groups attention, they all simultaneously stilled and looked at the pair of us. I stepped forward to introduce myself.

"My names Kayla Argent and this is Ray Lupus, I guess you could call us your trainers"

A devilish smile came onto Rays face, as he shrugged at the group

"Or your pain inflicters"

The group stared at him in shock, I think I even heard one of the guys yelp. My eyes dart to his a bit thrown off by his strange attitude but I didn't say anything. Deciding now was a great time to break the tense stares we received from the group,

"Anyways, shall we get straight to it?"

Since Ray and I hadn't been given too much time to prepare we had both decided with one glance that going for a run to judge everyone's physical stamina. Or lack of, that we soon discovered.

It was easy to pick the rowdy ones of the group within minutes because throughout both mine and Ray's 'introductions' a pair of males at the back kept snickering.

In an attempt to show his masculinity Ray had called them out on it once we reached the oval, his sunnies still on.

"You two, what's your names?"

Their eyes widened suddenly at being singled out but the braver of the two gave me a long glance before puffing his chest,

"I'm Carter and this is Marcus"

He motioned to the silence boy with a roll of his eyes, seemingly to find his friends silence as a weakness.

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