The Warriors

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[Opening — Night – Ferris wheel at Coney Island]
Cleon – It's still on, and we're going. Cyrus sent an emissary this afternoon to make sure. Now Cyrus don't want anybody packed, he don't want anybody flexing any muscle. So I gave him my word that the Warriors would uphold the truce. Now everybody says that Cyrus is the one and only. I think we'd better go have a look ourself.

[Gang boards train]
Swan – We ain't even been to The Bronx before.
Cleon – No sweat, this conclave's gonna be a real big item, every gang in the city is gonna be there.

Cochise – We're going in there with nothing.
Snowball – We're going in there like everybody else, nine guys, no weapons.

Cleon – You got the stuff? I want you to hit everything in sight. I want everybody to know that the Warriors were there.

Cowboy – You never know what you're gonna run into out there, we're wearing our colours so we can't hide.
Vermin – Who wants to hide?

Ajax – Maybe we'll get to waste a few heads along the way.
Cleon – You just soldier and keep your mouth shut.

Swan – When we get there, you stick close by, okay?
Rembrandt – Don't worry, I don't feel like getting wrecked.

Ajax – One thing we might get out of Cyrus' little get together is meeting some strange wool. I wouldn't mind laying a little something down on the way back.
Vermin – You got a one-track brain, you know that?
Ajax – What's the matter, you goin' faggot?

Cowboy – What do you know about Cyrus?
Cochise – Magic, whole lot o' magic.

Cowboy – What do you know about Cyrus?
Rembrandt – He's the one and only.

Cochise – When you're president of the biggest gang in the city, you don't have to take any shit.
Ajax – Ahh fuck him!

Ajax – I'll tell you something, I bet nobody's even gonna be there.

[Crowd chatting then quietens]
Cyrus – Can you count suckers? I say the future, is ours! If you can count.

Crowd Member – Come on Cyrus, we're with you!
Crowd Member – Go ahead bro!
Cyrus – Now look what we have here before us. We've got the Saracens sitting next to the Jones Street Boys. We've got The Moonrunners, right by The Vancourtand Rangers. Nobody is wasting nobody. That ... is a miracle ... and miracles, is the way things ought to be.

[Some crowd cheers]
Various crowd shouts "Yeah!", "All right", "I heard that!" and "Take it on Cyrus! Whoo!"

[Cyrus climbs up the platform]
Cyrus – "You're standing right now with a hundred delegates, from a hundred gangs and there's over a hundred more. That's 20,000 hardcore members, 40,000 counting affiliates and 20,000 more not organised but ready to fight. 60,000 soldiers! Now there ain't but 20,000 police in the whole town. Can you dig it?

[Small crowd cheer]
Cyrus – Can you dig it?

[Louder crowd cheer]
Cyrus – Can you dig it?

[Crowd roar and cheer]
Cyrus – Now here's the sum total. One gang could run this city. One gang! Nothing would move, without us allowing it to happen! We could tax the crime syndicates, the police, because we got the streets suckers! Can you dig it?

[Crowd cheer and police cars roll quietly into the park]
Cowboy – Right on!

Cyrus – The problem in the past has been the man turning us against one another. We have been unable to see the truth, because we've been fighting for ten square feet of ground. Our turf, our little piece of turf. That's crap brothers. The turf is ours by right, because it's our turn. All we have to do is keep up the general truce. We take over one borough at a time. Secure our territory, secure our turf, because it's all our turf!

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