Protected Twin Royals

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Hello there people! I'm new here as you see and this is my first ever story that I would post. It would be lovely for me to know that people would actually read this. Could you please Comment and whatever to let me know if you think that this book is a great idea! I would post the plot if I see that it's worth it :) Anyone want to make me a book cover? Would give a dedication or add you as a Character in the book! With loveee xx



I see that same dream again. The same one that I see over and over again. There’s this beautiful girl, with a huge stomach, she’s pregnant apparently, I see her walk over to this wonderful lake it looks like it’s in the middle of a forest. She sits down, I notice she has a hard time sitting, then she brushes her hands over the water. Then I hear the gushing of water, that beautiful melodic sound. All of a sudden I would hear the hoves of galloping horses, the sound of men shouting. The woman screams, that’s when I usually wake up. Is it a nightmare or a sweet dream? I don’t know. At the start of the dream I feel so relaxed, and serene but at the end my heart seems to beat faster. The whole dream feels so real.

“Charlome, *ehem *ehem” Professor calls out. For the nth time. Couldn’t blame him, I always daydream in his boring class.

“Would you care to explain to the whole class what the French revolutionists did.” I look at professor dumfounded. Uh-oh. I’m dead. I fumble in my chair, and stand.

“Uhmmmmmmm. Sir, I don’t know the answer…” Kring!kring! Yes! Saved by the bell.

“Class dismissed, except for you mister.” He points in my direction. Screwed. I look back at my one and only friend, joshua, who shrugges and points his head to the door, indicating that he would wait for me outside. I scury my way to the front of the room, happy to get out of that pesky sun that is situated on my table right beside the window. I’m sweating like a pig! I hate this school. I’d rather be home with mother.

“Mr. Charl, I expect you to right a short paper about the topic I discussed in class earlier. Tomorrow morning at my desk. Now go along!” I’m left with nothing to say except a nod.

“A short paper! Charl what did I tell you!” Joshua laughed.

“Could you please stop it, your not making me feel better.” Well another paper, how many times has he told me to do this? I have even proved that he dosen’t read the papers I give to him. There was this time I wrote this line in the middle of the paper and he din’t even notice! And the words I wrote were ‘Professor Kinley is filthy’

“Considering  that we also have a test tomorrow, I think it would be best for you to actually do your paper this time” Josh shouted after me.

“sometimes I think you’re my father,” I say to him deciding to turn back and follow him to the library.

As we entered the stone age old library our school has, I started coughing like a dog.

“Careful there lad, pets aren’t allowed inside, don’t let your inner dog out just yet. “ josh whispered while gently patting my back. He even left his hand on the small of my back after patting. I shoved his hand away.

“ Stop it! People are looking, the might think we’re gay!” I say a little too loud.

“you know I love it here in the library, look at all those priceless paintings, the feel of the place, the sun shining on the stained windows, the wooden carved chairs, that gigantic chandiler hanging down.”

“Shut up, you. Could we find the book and get over with this?”

“I’m betting you don’t even know what we learned in history today. What’s happening?”

“ I don’t. I have you,don’t I? Come on, help me please?” Ugh, he knows me too well. Sometimes I hate it. He grabs the book out of the shelf, I think he memorizes what book is on every shelf. It’s great being best friends with a nerd.

“So what topic again?” I say as I batt my eyes at him. 

Before dark falls on the land, me and josh would be home already. After the longest walks from school to our homes. Usually we would use his horse, but they had to sell Salem. I had to sell our own horse too, several months ago. When mother got ill. I would rather really stay at home, where I can be myself, and all the clothes I wore weren’t so tight fitting.

“Loita! Lotia! Oh darling your home!” A warm hug and smile always greets me every time.

“Mother! I missed you.”

“Josh, I missed you too, how was school dearies?” Grandmum says, pooping out of nowhere. Actually she’s Josh’s grangmum, but since me and josh grew up together, the four of us are like family. Josh acts like my brother, or father at times. I run to the room and get out of my clothes, eager to put on my house clothes. I untie the knot on my head and let my hair loose, they bounce up on curls and reach beyond my chest. Outside I have to hide their real length, because boys my age don’t usually have overly long hair. Shoulder length like josh’s is most typical. But I’m not the typical boy. I get eager to go home because I’m tired of pretending to be a boy. I’m charlotte. Lotia for short. And I’m a girl. Not a boy. But if you happen to see me walking down the street, you would not notice my ladyness. From my hair, to the clothes I wear to my flat chest. But once I get home, I let my hair down, braid flowers in them, and wear these big skirts.

Ever since I was a kid, well, for as long as I could remember, it has been this way. Mother’s only expaination  was that girls are treated far worse than boys during these times, and my mother wants only the best for her only child. By pretending to be a boy, I could get more opportunites not given to girls, in the future. But I don’t think I would last that long. I don’t know how mother plans to keep it this way. One day I’m sure someone would notice. Growing up in the fields, with our nearest neighbor a mountain away, I was allowed to be a girl. Even around josh that is. I would pretend to be a princess, not a pauper as I am.

I step out of my room, and straighten out my skirts. Josh is there right in front of the door.

“have you been spying?” I ask him qestioingly.

He bows before me “No, my lady, I have not.” He does all this with a serious face and with his arms across his chest, a proper posture for scribes and noblemen.

“Lotia, supper time. Josh I think you should go home now. Grnadmum is waiting for you already.”  Mother calls out to us as if we were at the other room, even thought we’re right in front of her. Due to our present living conditions, and most probably future conditions as well. You see our house is quite small. This is all we need mother says. Mother knows best always right? Our house consist mainly of one room, a sitting place, a kitchen, and a bath. That’s it. Well we don’t need all the space. It’s always just the two of us anyway. But have you seen the paintings hanged on our school walls, with those massive castles. All the horses, the gardens, the soldiers, I couldn’t help but marvel and wish I had those beauties. 


I step in our old home tired from the day’s work, and I’m expected to work some more. Grandmum is rocking in her cricky chair, knitting.

“Food’s on the table. How many times have I told you to follow me home. I leave the Drakes house and you follow thirty minutes later. What are you doing there?”

“Too much talk grandmum, what’s for supper?”

“what else but the usual bread and soup. Answer my question.”

“you already know the answer grandmum, I want to see her.

“you mean lotia? Why your with her the whole day. You woundn’t want to see me!”

“I mean her her not charl, I still think the idea’s ridiculous.”

“you know it’s for the best. You even know more about her than she knows about herself!”

“I’m itching to tell her….”

“it’s not yet time love. Not now.”

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