Chapter Two

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  I ran my fingers over the books and grunted.  Tobias and I have been looking for him a book for almost fifteen minutes. He laughed beside me and I gave him a confused looked. 
"Sorry Kila. Uh... " He stopped and I blushed slightly and rolled my eyes at him. I stopped on a book and pulled it out.  I looked at him and held it out. He looked over the cover and then shook his head.  "Tobias! Come on! " I threw my hands up dramatically. "I can't help saying no. If I say no I get more time with you." He said as he slid the book back in it's place.  He stopped and I saw the stressed look on his face again. "Oh...really? " I couldn't help but let the nervousness and excitement roll off my tongue. 

His phone started ringing loudly and he made a ugh sound. He grabbed the phone and his wallet from his pocket then quickly took a card out of it and handed it to me. I looked over it and smiled seeing it had his name and number on it.
"I have to go but please contact me it was nice meeting you Kila Edwards. " He smiled then quickly answered the phone walking out.

I ran my finger tips over the card then walked back to Annalise who was totally focused in on her book.  I sat down and pulled my phone out typing the number in.  Annalise cleared her throat and smiled at me. "That was different. " I rolled my eyes and growled at her playfully.
I mumbled a no shit under my breath as I blushed more. God me and my damn blushing today stupid Tobias.

I checked my phone and noticed it was already three. I stood up and put my purse over my shoulder.
"I'm going go go ahead and go I'll text you later. " she nodded her head and hugged me then I walked out the store in the direction of my apartment.

I walked in my apartment and plopped onto the couch turning the TV on.  I grabbed my phone and entered Tobias name without thinking. 

To: Tobias
  Hey it's Kila. From the bookstore.

I nervously bit at my lip as I waited for a reply. I hope I didn't contact him to soon. My phone dinged and I felt my stomach turn.

From : Tobias
  Hey Kila Thank you for contacting me and I'm sorry I had to run out like that.

I smiled at the screen and typed back.

To : Tobias
  Its okay I understand.

I layed down on the couch and waited.  I never felt this anxious for a text. I laughed as my phone dinged again. 

From : Tobias
   Okay I was hoping you would say that. 

I yawned as I felt my eyes get heavy all of a sudden.

To: Tobias
  Yup. Well I'm going to sleep for a little bit I'll text you when I wake up.....If you want

I sound desperate. I groaned and face palmed myself.

From : Tobias
  That's fine. :) Get some sleep Good afternoon.

I then felt my eyes close and I went into a deep sleep. 

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