Chapter Three

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I woke up and looked around seeing it was getting dark. I grabbed my phone and flinched at the brightness seeing it was only six in the afternoon. I sat my phone down and cuddled back into the couch. Ding....ding... Ding.

I groaned and rolled over and grabbed my phone off the coffee table.

3 new messages from Tobias.

From : Tobias
You might still be asleep but I was wondering if you would want go get something to eat with me?.....

If you haven't ate I mean.

And If you um want to..

I laughed out loud at his nervousness. And smiled as I quickly typed back and noticed how hungry I really was.

To: Tobias
I would love to lol calm down stop being so nervous towards me Tobias.

I stood up and walked to my room checking on my appearance. I looked Ok.... I wouldn't say the best though. I combed through my hair and straightened my clothes out. Ding.

From : Tobias
It's hard not to be and okay I'll pick you up in a few if that's okay. What's your address?

I blushed and sent my address back and then went to the mirror to apply top winged eye liner to make my eyes come out more.

I heard a knock at the door and my heart raced as I grabbed my purse and walked to the door. I peaked through the look hole in the door and saw it was him. I bit my lip nervously and opened the door. He smiled at me and I could see his face get red.

"You still look great Kila. But you don't need any makeup your to beautiful for it. " I blushed and rolled my eyes at him.

No I'm not and yes I do need makeup. I let my eyes roam down him and noticed how perfect and mouth watering he looked. He was wearing a tight button up showing off all the right places with jeans and boots.
He cleared his throat and I laughed slightly in embarrassment.

"Let's go. " He said and grabbed my hand leading me to his truck. He opened the door for me and I replied with a thank you as I buckled up. He got in and started the truck then looked at me.

" Were do you want to eat? "
I stopped and thought for a minute. My mouth watered.

"Chinese please. It's my favorite! " I probably sound like a little kid.He laughed and nodded then drove off.

We arrived to the restaurant. And he opened the door for me as I slid out the truck. Taking my hand since I didn't mind the sweet gesture we walked into it and the waiter led us to our table.

We ordered or food and sat in comfortable silence as we chowed down and had small conversations.

"So tell me about yourself. " I looked up at him and then wiped my mouth.

"Not much to tell." I slightly laughed and took another bite of the shrimp I had.

"Hmm mystery girl. I like it. " he slightly smirked at me and I blushed . I'm probably a rose red right now.

"I would like to be able to figure you out with time. " He said and finished off his food as I did the same.

I smiled . " You want to keep seeing me? "

He nodded and smiled at me. Then the waiter came and gave him the check.

I sighed in relief knowing he wanted to keep seeing me. I wanted the same thing. He stood up then he payed at the front and we walked back to the truck. He helped me back in and then began to drive me back home which I was not looking forward to I loved the feeling of being around him. It calmed my mind.

We got to my home way to soon and he helped me out the truck.

"You don't have to walk me all the way I'll be fine. " I said kinda disappointed in myself.

"Okay Kila if thats what you want. Today has been amazing with you." He smiled brightly at me and i nodded in agreement.

I looked up at the apartment then back at him. He had a frown on his face like he was battling with himself again. I stood nervously and he stepped closer and put his hand on my cheek. My heart raced as he leaned in. I could feel his breath on my lips but then it got cold. He muttered something and i was confused.
" I have to go Ill talk to you soon bye Kila." He went to the other side of his truck and got in then drove off. I stood there for a moment in shock then walked to my apartment. I walked in and shut the door pressing myself against it.

What just happened.

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