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"We sometimes think that we want to disappear, but all we really want is to be found." - Unknown

Castiel absolutely hated hospitals.

It reeked of death and dismay, leaving an unsettling feeling in his gut.
He mourned for those that avoid the inevitable while hooked up to wires and expensive machinery. And those who were already off their rocker.
  Being a cancer victim though, with metastasis that had already spread to his lungs, made it nearly impossible for him to avoid hospitals.

  He walked down the hallway to the cafeteria, nasal cannulas tucked behind his ear, lugging his oxygen tank behind him.

"Oh my god! You didn't hear?"

Cas sat down at the end of the bench with his circle of friends and set the oxygen tank at his feet, "Hear what?" 

Claire turned towards him, "About the new guy?"

Cas shrugged, there was always someone new.

"He just got admitted a few days ago for overdose and drug abuse." Claire rolled her eyes, saying it's just some ordinary thing as she picked at her food.

Rumor had it that Claire was admitted for anorexia nervosa a while back, and frankly, Cas could believe it. And so did everybody else.
She was sickly thin and never ate her food at meals. But nobody ever had the guts to actually ask her.

"So what? He's just another suicidal teenager." Cas shrugged, squinting his eyes at her.

The hospital has had a lot of admissions, and this was just one reason to be here.

"I mean, yeah, but I heard he's cute." She smirked devilishly.

Castiel shrugged, "Wouldn't matter anyways."

Claire just rolled her eyes at him, "I heard he gets out of the soft room today and gets to have lunch in the commons." She squealed.

Cas was uninterested,

He stood up, getting in line and wheeling his oxygen tank along side him.

Stupid lungs, he thought.

He wanted to blame the world for the metastasis in his lungs, but he ended up blaming himself.
The amount of money his parents had spent keeping him alive was ridiculous and even through all the times his Dad would tell him "No, Castiel, we're fine." He was almost quite certain they were stressed and drowning in bills.

Cas ended up standing behind a taller blonde boy that he'd never seen before, but then again, he's never seen a lot of the hospital boys.
He looked like anybody else in the hospital, beside from the clothes and laceless shoes that clearly stated he has just been released from the psych department.
He also fidgeted slightly as he stood, like he was having some sort of withdrawals from something.


Worried he might have a seizure, Castiel cautiously tapped his shoulder, shaking a little, "H-Hey are you oka-" 

The boy turned around swiftly, "What in the ever-loving fuck do you want!" He snapped sharply, assuming it was another one of the security guards coming to bug him again.
But the second he took a look over the shook patient he just snapped at, and how vulnerable he looked — Breathing tube, oxygen tank, messy hair, all of it — Realization came upon his face and he realized Cas couldn't of been more harmful than a pink butterfly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2017 ⏰

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