I can't believe it.

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A/N The media is where I live,England has it's ups and downs but it's beautiful anyways! This was at 7AM this morning, It should be used in the story!

Simon's POV:

Sometimes, only sometimes, I can't sleep, I can't sleep because Harry is always on my mind. Somethings telling me he's trying, trying to find me, and I hope he is, with all my heart.

I go for walks, to clear my mind, the dark, empty, silence of the streets puts me at ease. The views were also incredible, because I always go to the highest points possible, to get good pictures, (A/N The media picture), yet their beauty is nothing compared to Harry.

The reason I do it when it's quiet, is because I always cry, I always force myself to go to the places me and Harry had dates, or have the best memories, and I cry, I cry until I have no more tears left.

I want to jump on a plane, fly far away. Take Harry and myself far away from here, where no one knows us and we can live in peace, but I don't even know Harry's address!

How can parents bring up their child to he who they want to be, that they won't be judged by them, then critique them in every way when they're finally happy with who they really are! If you disagree with anything, homosexuality, being transgender, being 'different' from anyone else, then don't have kids! Different is good, don't let anyone try to change you, or who you want to be. (That goes for you guys too!)

Those same thoughts go through my head everytime, and I still haven't come anywhere near any form of answer yet.

He was being him, being happy, and he was taken away for it.

Why are parents so cruel?

That was 6 days ago.

Harry's POV:

The flight touched down, I was so close to home.

I'd made a plan.

I'd hire a car, and drive all the way to Simon's parents home, if there's any signs of Simon still be there, I'll hide around there until I see him come out the house.

If it's obvious he isn't there, well... I hadn't got that far.

It took me a day to get to Simon's parents house, and I remembered that his bedroom was always at the front, but his curtains were missing. There was gym equipment and a desk from what I could see, he obviously wasn't there. He couldn't have changed rooms could he? No, he said he hated the other rooms, plus he hates unnecessary change.

"SHIT!" I smash my hands onto the steering wheel. "WHERE THE FUCK- OH MY GOD!" I remembered.

When me and Simon were together, a couple months into the relationship, he told me, If we were ever to move out together, we'd live 2 towns across from ours! That's gotta be where he went! He took me there once, it was a nice neighbourhood, I have to try there.

It took 4 days to get there. I got lost a few times, but eventually remembered some statues and buildings, and managed to get there.

I drove around for a little while. On the verge of giving up, but then I spotted a shop. A Selfridges store to be precise, with a 50% sale on, so I decided to go in, because 1) I needed clothes, and 2) This is somewhere Simon would go, he loves clothes and sales, so I decided to try there.

I walked around some of the aisles, picking out a few things, then searching the floor, then moving up.

Arriving at the final floor, I was beginning to get disheartened, I had a quick look around, when something caught my eye. A blond quiff, styled to perfection.

The world stopped, everything disappeared besides me and him.

He turned slightly, showing off some of his face, and thats when I knew.

When attempting, my voice came out barely above a whisper, but you could definitely hear what I said. Because it was him.


That was yesterday.

A/N Sort of cliffhanger!! I know! I hate me too! But, as minishaw have basically reunited, you might (most likely) will get a double update tonight! Woo, I know😂

Also, Thank you so much for 200 reads, it means so much to me, and is also another reason for a double update! I'll see you soon (literally) for another update, until then!


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