Thats one way to do it.

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Harry's POV:

"But Siii Where are we goingggg"

"Out baby, come on"

"Ughhhhh finee" I sounded very frustrated but was secretly embarrassed that he called me baby.

I had my suspicions as to where we were going, but said nothing, as I was too scared to find out the answer. As we got in the car, another wave of uneasiness swept over me, and I'm pretty sure my face drained of all colour, guessing by the way Si was looking at me from the corner of his eye, and then biting his lip afterwards.

As we arrived at the house, I didn't recognise it straight away, as I'd never met JJ, but I knew where his house was, because of Simon telling me about it endless times, and I'm pretty sure this was it.

"Si, what are you gonna do?"

"You'll find out, play it cool, come on"

He was out and at the door within seconds.

I took my time, because I really didn't want to be here, I wished the floor would just swallow me up right here and now.

JJ answered the door, or at least who I'm assuming was JJ, hey, I'd never met the lad.

His smile reached all the way to his eyes as he invited us in, and introduced himself to me.

"I'm JJ, nice to finally meet you Harry, you're a lucky lad to have Si's heart." He chuckled as he ruffled my hair. "Only kidding, Si's a great guy, you did good kid, and so did he, assuming from the way he talks about you"

"Nice to finally put a face to the name, I've heard a lot about you JJ" I smiled back, I sounded surprisingly confident.

"All good things I hope"

"Of course" Simon answered for me, laughing along with JJ.

Josh suddenly appeared, as he must have heard voices, and he looked directly at me, he cut his eyes at me and then smirked, and I hoped Simon didn't see, because God knows what would happen, but he did, and that can never be good.

"Josh, this is Harry, Harry, Josh, but I'm sure you know each other already right?" Josh's smirk fell from his face. "After all, you did date for a while, and then Josh did abuse Harry, I'm sure you remember, right Josh?"


3 days back together.

Simon's POV:

Damn, I was pissed now.

Josh looked at me in a state of shock.

"I-I I h-have no i-idea w-what you're-"

"Save it! Stop with your fucking bullshit! I know everything, pretending to be my friend, and then when you're away you abuse Harry, your boyfriend at the time?! You're sick! You're a monster, and I never want to speak to you again!"

"B-But W-what do y-you mean?" He sounded timid, small, and I enjoyed having this kind of leverage.

"You know exactly what I mean you cunt! Stop being a pussy for once in your life and admit to what you've done!"

"So what if I did? Why the fuck would it matter to you?! I was going out with him then, not you, and what I wanted to do with that slut? He was mine!"

"Because I cared about Harry, even when he wasn't there! I'll always care about him, I love him for fucks sake! And how fucking dare you call him a slut, you have no right!" I went over and slapped him, hard, leaving a hand print.

"I never, ever, want to speak to you again, I hate even the sight of you, I'm sorry JJ, but if you want to see me again, you'll have to come to mine, because as long as he's here, I'm not stepping foot in this house."

"That'll no longer be a problem, Josh, get out, grab essentials and leave, I don't want you here, delete our numbers, and forget about us, you've already been forgotten about."

Josh looked mortified, but nonetheless he grabbed a backpack and filled it with things, and walked out, slamming the door.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

Harry came over and grabbed my hand, lightly leaving a kiss to my lips.

I instantly calmed down.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't know, I'm so sorry" JJ sounded like he was going to cry.

"JJ it's fine, it's not your fault, calm down, can we stay and hang for a bit?"

"Of course, let me get you a drink, sit down and relax"

"Well" Started Harry "That was one way to do it, and I love you too, by the way" And he started laughing.

I had to admit, it was quite funny, and I did laugh along, with a kiss to Harry's lips.

3 and a Half days back together.

Josh's POV: (ooh)

Harry's going to fucking pay for this.

There we are!

I made you wait a little longer because you had 2 chapters last time soo😂

I hope you liked it, I have doubts about everything I write and the feedback always makes me feel so much better all the time, but violence is pretty amazing to write😝

Thank you so much for all the love, I love you all so much you don't even know👏💙

I'll see you soon gang, Deuces✌

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