I must be dreaming?

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Woo a double update! Enjoy Minishaw!

Simon's POV:

I heard someone say my name behind me, but I didn't want to turn around. I recognised the voice, but it couldn't have been real.

After waiting a couple of minutes, i turned around and all my breath was blown out of my body.

"Harry?" It was him, I had no doubt, he was there, in the flesh, here, in front of me.

"Si, I-I missed you"

I launched forward, pulling into a bear hug, wrapping my arms around him and not ever wanting to let go. He smelt the same as he always did, and I was so happy right now. "Me too" I was barely hearable.

I looked into his eyes, and smiled as he looked back at me, actually there instead of a picture.

Pulling away, I couldn't help but question this whole scenario.

"H-How? W-Why?"

"I walked most of the way to the airport, about 15 to 16 miles, then hitched a ride with an old couple. After the flight I hired a car, drove to your old place, you obviously weren't there,  so I drove here, saw the sale, came in and you're here, I-I'm so glad to see you Si"

I was overjoyed, he was actually here. We payed for what we wanted, and then I pulled him out of the store, he pointed out his car, and I ran to it, I jumped into the drivers seat, and drove him to my house, and pulled him into there, yet again.

As soon as we were in I hugged him again, but I had to address the big issue.

"What's gonna happen H?"

"What d'you mean?"

"Us, you know we can't get straight back into it"

"We just hang out as friends, then when it feels right, we hopefully get together, but whatever happens, I still love you Stimpy"

"Yeah, yeah that sounds good. I love you to bog. YOUR ROOM!"

I remembered, I have to show him his room.

"Don't be freaked out, but I kind of have a 'Harry room', it's over there" He walked in, looked around and smiled at me.

"This is so sweet! Thank you, Si!"

While he was unpacking, I quickly wrote him another note.

You're back H, my prayers have been answered, I have my world back, I love you to the moon and back Harry, I really do x

This would most likely be the last note, but I didn't mind, I could just talk to him now.

For that, I just smiled, because I still couldn't believe he was actually here.

My Harry.

It's been half a day.

Harry's POV:

It was him, it was really him.

My life, my love.

He's so beautiful, just like I remember, his smile lights up a room, just like I remember, and his laugh, oh his laugh, it was so melodious, like music to my ears, but I didn't remember much of that. He never laughed much before, he was in a bad place, now he has his own place, and I can tell he's so much happier now.

How did I get so lucky to meet such a man? I am so undeserving of Simon, I deserve nothing, but I got everything and more, He deserves everything, but got me instead.

The room he made for me, photos of us, notes written here and there that nearly made me cry. It was heaven, and Simon, was my angel.

I couldn't believe I'd found him, a few months ago, I wanted to give up, with no hope at all that I'd even get out of the country, but now, here I am, sleeping in a real bed, with Simon Minter in the next room to me.

Waking up the next morning and being able to see Simon in his boxers again was so good. You wouldn't believe how I felt, I was on cloud nine, and I couldn't wait until I could call Simon mine again.

We spent the day catching up, cuddling, laughing, and generally enjoying each others company, which I always will.

I'm glad I'm here, I'm glad Simon's here, I'm glad I found him. I'm glad for everything that happened to me while I wasn't with Simon, it made me who I am, and it made Simon who he is, and I'd have gone through Hell and back just as long as we're together (😉😉) , and I would do it so many times over, I'd do anything for him.

My Simon.

It's been 2 days.

A/N Woo! Finally! The coundowns at the end of the sections will now be counting the amount of time they've been together, and it might skip dramatically sometimes!

They're together again, that's gotta mean it's a happy ending...right?🤔

I'm so sorry I sneakily slide song lyrics in there, I can't help it, music is life😂 You may not know the song or lyrics but there's some winky faces after it, so google it😂 For the next few chapters I'll tell you if there's song lyrics, and I'll dedicate a chapter to you, if you can tell me where and what lyric/song was used😉

I'll see you soon for another update gang!


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