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   “Come on McGeek.  Gibbs totally has a thing for redheads.  The new agent is a redhead, about the same age as his ex-wives.  Ergo, new redhead agent will become Gibbs’ next ex-wife,” Tony tried to convince McGee.

            “Ergo, Tony? Who even says that anymore?” McGee asked, exasperated.  “And, if you don’t mind, I’m trying to type my report before Gibbs gets here.”

            Smack!  The double headslaps connected with Tony and McGee’s heads.  “McGee get typing! That report was due yesterday! Tony stop talking about my love life and get over here I have a job for you.”

“Err yes boss? Almighty boss?”

“Shut up DiNozzo,” Gibbs growled at his second in command.

“Shutting up boss. Anyway, what’s this job you got for me?”

“Go to LA.  Got it?”

“What? Why boss? Don’t they already have NCIS there?” Tony questioned, raising an eyebrow.

            “Agent Hanna is on mandatory med leave.  Need someone to fill in.  Leave in two hours.”

“Yep boss.  Getting stuff boss. ” Tony grabbed his bag and jacket from his desk and headed for the elevator.

“DiNozzo!” Gibbs called after him.

“Yes boss?”

“Get back here ASAP. And watch your six.”

“On it boss,” Tony flashed a charming smile and stepped into the elevator just as Ellie Bishop walked out of the elevator.

“Tony?” Bishop asked.  “Where are you going? Did we catch a case?”

“I’m off to LA, land of sun, shine, beaches, and hot girls in bikinis,” Tony winked at Bishop.

            “DiNozzo!  You gone yet?” Gibbs yelled.

“Yes boss! Gone boss!”  With a last wave at his team, he stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for Abby’s lab.

            “TONYTONYTONYTONYTONYTONY” Abby yelled the second Tony stepped into her lab.  “Are you really going to LA?”

            “Yes Abby. I am going to LA for a few weeks.  How did you even hear about this already?”  Tony responded, accepting Abby’s bear hug and patting her on the back.

            “Oh I check everything that goes through OPS in case G gets shot again.  He does that wayyyyyy too much.  Although this time Sam got shot not G.  It wasn’t that bad just a through-and-through to his leg but he’ll be out for a few weeks.  Which is where you come in!  Will you bring me back a souvenir?  Please Tony? Pleasie?” Abby released Tony from her hug, widening her green eyes to give him a pleading look.

            “Course I will Abby.  What do you want? A gunshot wound?  Stab wound?” Tony flashed another giant smile.

            Abby turned from her computer to stare at Tony in horror, like he had just declared that he had the plague again.  “Nooooo Tony no you can’t get hurt!  That’s not what I meant!”

            Tony laughed.  “I’m joking. I have no desire to get shot, stabbed, kidnapped, blown up, or injured again.  Or get a concussion.  I hate those.”

            Abby sighed in relief. “Good! I hate it when you do that Tony! But any who be safe, have fun, and don’t annoy G too much.”

            “I got it Abby stop worrying,” Tony chuckled. He managed to get out of the lab with one final hug from Abby.  Walking quickly to the garage, he hopped in his car and headed towards his apartment.  He grabbed out a few extra suits, two pairs of nice Italian leather shoes, his toiletries, and some more casual clothing.  After all, it was LA, and considerably warmer there.  He shoved his clothing in a suitcase, along with a few other necessities.  As he packed, he wondered about the circumstances that had caused Sam to get shot.  And if he knew G at all, the man would be pissed as hell that one of his people had been injured.  It might have been seventeen years since he had last worked with the man, but he highly doubted the G could have changed that much.  G was wary of everyone, but once he trusted someone enough to call them a friend, he was fiercely protective of them.

            Tossing the last few things in his suitcase, he dragged it down the stairs (of course the elevator was broken again) and stuffed it in the back of his car.  With a sigh, he settled back into the driver’s seat and headed towards the airport.

            He arrived at Dulles Airport a little less than an hour before his flight.  He parked on the third level, and then dragged his suitcase to check-in.

            “So what sends you to Los Angeles?  Business or pleasure?” The attendant asked, weighing Tony’s bag and placing it on the belt behind him.

            “Work, unfortunately.  Although I’ll hopefully be able to get in a bit of fun before I have to head back,” Tony grabbed the boarding pass from the machine and his ID from the attendant.

            “Have a nice trip,” The man said as Tony headed towards the security line.  He managed to get through fine, until he placed his sidearm and backup gun in one of the bins.  The TSA man standing nearest him started, then grabbed Tony’s arm and gestured at another TSA agent to take Tony’s bag.

            “You’ll have to come with me, sir,” The man said, gripping Tony’s bicep with bruising force. 

            “If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you would loosen your grip a bit.  You wouldn’t want to get in trouble with a federal agency because you injured one of their people,” Tony said, smirking at the dumbfounded expression on the other man’s face.  “Yes, that’s right, I’m a federal agent.”  He produced his badge and ID from the bin next to him and showed them to the TSA agents standing around.  “I’m allowed to carry a gun with me.”

            The man gripping his arm mumbled something that might have been an apology and released his arm.  Another TSA woman replaced his things on the conveyor belt, and he was allowed to pass.  He made it onto the plane with no further incident, save being questioned at the gate about his gun.  He simply showed his badge and ID again, and was ushered forwards.  He settled into his seat-window, happily-and checked his phone one last time.  There was only one message, from McGee.

            G will meet u @ LAX.  If u cant find him, txt him @ following #.

Tony entered the number into his phone as simply G, then texted a quick response to McGee.

            Thnx McProbie

He powered down his phone and leaned back in his chair, popping a piece of gum in his mouth as he prepared for the long flight to LA.

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