Chapter 3

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Thanks to all who read and reviewed!

By the way, we’re coming up on concert/audition season.  Yay for concerts, opposite of yay for auditions.  But anyways, that means we’re going to be even more busy! Yay! Not.  And I meant to have this out yesterday, but didn’t have wifi sorry.

Chapter 3

It could really get hot in LA, Tony thought as he stepped out of the car with G and Deeks.  It was about 95 degrees there, as opposed to the 12 degrees it had been back in DC.  He was glad that it generally stayed cooler, as chasing down suspects in extremely hot weather would get annoying quickly.  Although Columbia did get hotter as times, at least he and G hadn’t been expected to wear anything seeming even semi-professional, and they definitely hadn’t had to chase down suspects or run from flying bullets. Well, at least until the CIA had been sent in at the end. 

            Shaking himself out of his memories, he hurried to catch up with G, who had gone ahead while Deeks grabbed some things out of the car. 

            “So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” Tony asked G as they walked towards the LAPD officers who stood in the alley.

            “Not now.  Somewhere more private,” G said, glancing around.  “Hey, do you have a place to stay while you’re here?”

            Tony blinked at the not-so-subtle change in topic, but shrugged it off easily.  “I was just going to rent a hotel room nearby.”

            “You can stay at my place,” G offered.  “It’s a two bedroom apartment, lot larger than the one in Columbia.  Although I can’t guarantee that people won’t come in the middle of the night looking to kill me.”

            “Meh, that’s nothing new.  Thanks, man, I really appreciate it.”

            Reaching the alleyway where the bodies had been found, G and Tony headed over to the women standing at the entrance. 

            “NCIS,” Tony greeted.  “Agent DiNozzo.  You two are….?”

“Detective Reynolds, and my partner, Officer Ryan.  You’ll be taking over the scene, I presume?”  At the agents’ nod, she continued speaking.  “Do you need us to stick around, or can we go?”

            “Think we’re good, thanks,” G flashed a quick smile and ducked under the police tape into the alley.  Deeks ran up a minute later, holding a camera and the other things necessary for crime scenes.

            “Meghan! Hi,” he greeted Detective Reynolds, awkwardly trying to shift the stuff he was carrying so he could shake her hand.  Tony grabbed the stuff before he could drop anything, and headed into the alley after the other agent, leaving Deeks to his conversation.

            “So what’s up with this case, anyways?  I didn’t think you guys dealt with normal, run of the mill dead sailors.” Tony questioned, slipping the camera strap around his neck as he knelt next to G, who was examining the bodies. 

            “We sometimes do.  Well, actually, we do whatever Vance tells us to do.  Don’t know why he wants us on this one, though.  Looks simple execution style,” he said, gesturing at the neat bullet holes in the center of each Marines’ forehead.  He pulled out his phone, snapping quick pictures of each man’s face.  “I’m going to send these to Eric and Nell, see what they can find.  Can you do pictures, and we’ll have Deeks bag and tag when he’s done talking to that detective?”

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