13.) Dylan

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Those discusting, cold hands on my body... the kiss... the smell of him, the feel of my power stopping in my veins....

I wake up screaming, afraid. I can't help it, I can only feel my heart racing. Draco isn't there to comfert me, to save me.

I crawl to the dresser, and open the drawer.

I instantly slam it, and run from the room. I'm able to get to the Slytherin common room, and into Draco's bedroom. He is sleeping silently, his face telling me he's having a nightmare.

I tap his arm, tears rushing down my face. "D-Draco?"

He opens his eyes, and I see that he is honestly frightened. "Dylan? Baby, what's wrong?"

"I... I wanna.... I didn't... I...." I can't find the words.

Draco pulls me into his bed. He strokes my hair, and kisses my head. "I got you. Thank Godric you came me."

I sob into his chest. I wanna tell him, but how?

"Shh, Dyl. I have you. You're safe."

I cling to his chest, trying to unsee my memory. I just want to be alright.

He lays down, and covers me. "Shh, you're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you again. I don't know what they did to you, but it won't happen again, I swear. I'm going to keep you safe, I swear to God."

I pull closer to him, pleading. "Draco, I love you. I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry...."

"You have nothing to be sorry for."

"I do..." I sob harder.

"No you don't. Dyl, what is it? Let me save you."

"I'm... I'm not a virgin..."

"Neither am I. It's not a big-"

"It wasn't my choice."

His body tences. "What do you mean, not your choice?!"

"Draco, please!" I choke.

"Were you raped?"

I sob even harder, my breath comes in hiccups and my chest hurting. "Please, please. Don't."

"Baby, please," he pleas. "Dyl, was it rape?"

I hiccup, sobbs becoming violent and uncontrollable. "Y-yes."


"N-no. P-p-please, d-dont!"

"Give me a name!"

I try to pull away, but he holds me. He isn't forcful, but he is angery. He isn't going to let me go.

"Dyl," he says, trying to calm. "Please."

"Plea-se, n-not n-now. I c-can't, D-d-draco."

He kisses the top of my head again, calming. "Alright. Later. I'm sorry, love. Sleep. I'll protect you."

I drift into a pained, nightmarish sleep. But Draco is there to hold me.

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