10.) Draco

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Dylan sits on my lap as we kiss, her legs around my stomach. Her hand is on my neck, her other in my hair. I have her by the hips, knowing her waist is bruised.

She pulls away, gasping. Her face is red as she lays her head against my shoulder.

She laughs lightly.

"What is it?" I ask, confused.

"I... alright. I can't believe I'm with you. I'm in love with my best friend, the Draco Malfoy. I can't believe I'm in love at all, much less with the one person that everyone says can't love."

I laugh.

"I'm so lame."

I freeze. "You are not. You are adorible and don't you ever change. I love you, everything about you."

She laughs lightly. "And I love everything about you."

I tilt her head up, and pull her into another long kiss. She pulls away from me, and tries to stand.

"Draco, we gotta go. They'll be wondering."

"Come on, nobody cares." I hold her hips lightly enough to keep her on my lap.

She frowns. "We do. If they start asking.... Draco, I can't handle more bullying. Please."

I pull her against me, and kiss her. "Alright. We can go. I'm going to miss you."

She smiles, and kisses my nose. "Me too. Behave. And keep that prat Pansy off your lap, or I'm going to fully kiss Cedric right infrount of you." She kisses my again, nipping my bottom lip before standing.

She leaves with that, and I go back to my normal booth. When we get off the train, I instantly find Dylan. She's with Hermione and Potter.

Cedric walks up, and pulls Dylan close to him. I frown, reaching for my wand.

Then he grabs her bum.

Before I can pull my wand, he's puking slugs and Dylan is walking away with a laughing Hermione, Potter on her other side.

Potter just did my job.

Nice to she is always protected.

I run to Snape's room, eager to get this over with and excited to ask.

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