OCTOBER 25th 1961

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A local kid in the town nearby went missing the other day. Guess who found him! I was taking the usual path through the woods when I found a really shitty looking fort. The boy had ran away from home to live under a pile of sticks, my god this kid was dumb. Anyway he turned out be the fucking grandson of the guy that runs the local gas plant. Lets just say I won't have to be collecting wood in a week from now. I'm not sure how Lester will take it as he's always talking about how nice the smell of burning wood is, but NATURAL GAS!

Also, yes, I'm trying to curse more. If this diary is supposed to represent my thoughts, then I need to fucking write in it how I want to think. Oh, why am I doing this? I haven't mentioned this, as I am trying to be tolerant of it, but everyone here swears, not stop, every other fucking word. This is beginning to play out like a nature documentary.

"In order to be accepted into the tribe, I must first show myself worthy by speaking the native tongue."

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