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   The sunlight streamed through the window, illuminating the bed in thin rays of yellow light. The window has been pushed open slightly and the soft chirps of birds floated through. The soft spring breeze wafted in and ticked my cheeks with my flyaway hair. I turned away from the intruding daylight and shuffled closer to Eli breathing in his heavy and distinct scent. The soft cotton sheets felt heavenly against my smooth, bare skin and sank into them.

Eli lied on his side facing away from me. I wrapped my arm around him firmly gripping him and pulling him closer.  My head tucked in between us and I felt him involuntarily shudder as my constantly cold nose touched his shoulder. Our bare legs tangled in the thin sheets.

With a thick and loud groan, Eli turned over, shaking the entire bed. I laughed softly as he pulled me into his chest and hugged me closer. I could've stayed like that forever.

In his room with the familiar blue walls and the cold wooden floors. Where we've spent countless hours in each others arms, sometimes just talking, and sometimes doing more. Eli was comfortable and safe, with his lovely blue eyes and cute little dimple. His pin-straight black hair that fell perfectly over his forehead and his pearly white teeth. The pink scar on his jaw and the dark birthmark on his left hip. His strong arms and lips that fit perfectly with mine. He was Eli.

Unfortunately his phone buzzed cutting through the serenity like a knife. Eli let out a moan and twisted onto his back. He threw his forearm over his eyes and sighed. I laughed again and reached over to grasp the vibrating phone. The caller id flashed on the cracked screen. I raised an eyebrow and tossed it to Eli, who clumsily caught it.

"Your girlfriend is calling" I informed him.

As he answered it, I rolled off of the bed onto the cool, wooden floor, sharply inhaling as my feet hit the ground. I I faintly heard him soothe her as I searched around the floor for my bra.

"No babe, I would never cheat on you-" His voice drifted away as he strode into the bathroom.

I bent down to look under the bed when a sharp whistle caught my attention. I straightened up whilst picking up my thin, white shirt. I turned around just in time to catch my lacy, black bralette as Eli threw it to me. I slipped the straps over my shoulders and turned around. I noticed that he had dressed in some black boxers that complimented his pale skin.

I felt Eli's body heat he came up behind me. I heard him tuck the phone between his shoulder and his ear. His deft fingers quickly clasped my bra and he playfully tugged at one of the straps. I gave him cheeky grin over my shoulder and swiftly pulled on my shirt.  He pulled away and I tip-toed across the room. I lifted my black skinny jeans off the floor and tugged them up my legs.

I shoved my feet into my torn up converse and half-heartedly laced them up. Eli's navy blue hoodie was the next article of clothing to appear on my body. I tied my hair into a messy bun I found in my jean's pocket. I spun around and Eli tossed my keys.

The floorboards let out a muffle creak as I crept over to him. His defined abs clenched under my soft touch and I nibbled softly at his ear. I felt a sick pleasure as I softly kissed his neck and heard his breath hitch.

His glare sent burning holes into my back as I stepped away and moved towards the white-washed window. I grinned at him and shoved the window up. The shingles of the roof scraped my shoe as I swung out one leg. A flirty smile took over my lips and I blew a kiss to Eli. He repsonded with a grudging smile.

I grinned again and ducked out the window. Once I was crouched on the roof I twisted and gently slid down the window. After that I leaned back on my left leg and slowly slid to the edge. The drop to the ground was a low six feet onto grass, I fearlessly hopped off the side and landed on my feet.

Morning dew on the grass dampened my shoes as I hurried across the lawn. The hard gravel scuffed my soles as I ran across the street. My house was seated directly across from Eli's which made our little escapades that much easier. I couldn't help the little chuckle that escaped my mouth as the hinges of the mailbox squeaked and I gathered up the bills and letters inside. Our abnormally green grass was being watered and I jumped to avoid the stream of water coming my way. I started up the small concrete path to our porch and almost made it home safe.


Eli's sharp whistle made me snap my head up. He was leaning out of his window and dangling something on his finger. I squinted at him hard until it clicked in my brain and I gasped out loud.

In his hand swung my black underwear. The ones that matched the lacy bralette I was wearing. I blushed beat red and and gaped. Finally I came to my senses. I raised both of my hands and gave him the middle finger salute. I could see his shoulders shaking with laughter and he ducked back in his room and slammed the window shut.

I rushed in my house, throwing the door open and slamming it shut. I turned my back to it. The grainy wood scratched my back as I slid to the floor. My face was still blazing red and I was absolutely mortified that I forgot my panties. A small smile played on my face.

This was living.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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