Chapter 27

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I couldn't keep track of time, even if time stood still on the island. In a weird way, it didn't, and now I was stuck in a room, never knowing what was going to happen...and when. And worse: I was left to my thoughts, which I had been avoiding. Was I merely a pawn in Pan's game? Did I really mean nothing to him? Sighing, I stood up from the bed and ran my hands through my hair, staring around at the antique furniture. Now I was trapped, but for my own safety, I guess.

No matter where I was on this island, I was trapped: both physically...and mentally. 

When the door slammed open, I jumped, my feet skidding backwards. My eyes shot open and my bottom lip dropped. No.

"What are you doing?" I snapped, clenching my jaw as my breath caught in my throat. Pan stood before me, his arms folded and his body leaning against the doorframe, wearing a grin of complete cockiness. 

"Rescuing you, of course," he said and when he took a step forwards, I took a step backwards, swallowing down the lump in my throat. The smirk that he wore slowly faded and his eyes narrowed; he held out his hand but I merely stared at it. "What, don't you trust me?" 

"It's hard to nowadays," I sneered and his hand fell, his eyes glaring into mine. I could feel his anger burning through my skin and carefully, my hand moved to where my dagger latched onto my belt. 

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he growled, taking a step forward, as if prowling towards his prey - and I was the prey, and that's who I had pathetically fallen in-love with. The monster.

"And why not?" I spat and the corner of his mouth twitched. Before I knew it, he was standing right before me, staring down at me and ready to pounce. 

"Because you wouldn't leave this ship alive," and I gulped, my hand clutching around the dagger's handle. My eyes feel and I could feel a tug-of-war happening in my head: would I slip back into the hands of Pan, giving into my feelings, even though I knew exactly how he felt: nothing. Or, would I dare attack him? 

"You're wrong," and just like that, I whipped out my dagger, placed it to his neck and shoved him against the wall. All he did was laugh. 

"I've always admired your fire, Serena," he purred and when he tried to stroke my cheek, I slapped his hand away, keeping the dagger steadily placed against his neck. 

"What the hell do you want with me?"

"You know exactly why," he snapped, lifting his chin just a tad and not being frightened of the dagger whatsoever; his skin pulled against the blade, but no blood fell from his flesh. "I will always want you and I'll do whatever it takes to get you back."

"Back?" I choked out, chuckling in disbelief. "I heard everything you said to Felix," I said through gritted teeth, pushing the dagger against his neck. "And I am not bearing you a child."

"Do you really think that's your purpose?" Pan said in as much disbelief as me, and my face dropped, momentarily confused. "Neal had a son. That theory was merely Killian playing games." I twisted my lips in disgust, but I took a step back and lowered my dagger, staring at him in the eyes. 

"From what I recall, you are the one who makes the games, Peter," I said and gulped down the forming lump in my throat. Don't fall back into his trap, Serena. Pan chuckled once, folding his arms and leaning against the wall like before.

"That's true, but it's not me this time," he said and my throat tightened. "I've made a deal with Killian. He's going to leave the island, track down the son and bring him to me, abandoning you."

"He would never," I sneered and Pan just started laughing, shaking his head in disbelief. 

"Open your eyes, Serena. I'm the only one who has ever been honest with you."

"You're a lier!"

"I'm anything BUT that!" he yelled back but quickly contained himself after, clenching his jaw and taking a deep breath. Arching his back, he leaned off the wall and his arms fell to his side before one of his hands reached out to me. "Come back with me. We can start over, together," he said quietly and I rolled back my lips, my gaze falling to the ground. I closed my eyes, allowing a tear to fall. I didn't know who to trust anymore, what to believe, what to feel. And I truly fit the Neverland criteria: I was lost more than ever. Was it a game? I didn't know but I had to survive and there was only one way to do that: to play the game. 

I took Pan's hand. 


When we arrived back at the camp, some of the boys were welcoming, others saw me has a betrayer. Felix and James gave me a hug, Alexander shook my hand and the rest glared at me from afar; Pan stood on a log, whistling once with his fingers and the boys circled him. I awkwardly stood beside Pan on the ground and in all honesty, couldn't really comprehend I was back, back at the camp...and back at Pan's side. It was like I had never left. But Killian had. I had watched his ship disappear as I stood on the sea shore before returning. Was Pan right?

"Killian will be bringing the heart of the truest believer to me," he started and a couple of boys 'whooped' and cheered, but I stood, tensed and keeping my gaze on the ground. My memory was becoming foggy and I was struggling to remember...well, the memories that didn't include Pan. I shrugged it off: maybe I was just exhausted from the day? Without me realising, Pan had continued speaking and I snapped back into reality upon hearing my name. "Serena has returned to us and you will treat her as you did before. If I hear any of you have threatened or mistreated her, well..." Pan paused to chuckle and I rolled my eyes. I don't need protection. "Let's just say you won't be with us for much longer." The boys who had suddenly grown a distaste for me looked infuriated and annoyed, but they kept their mouth shut. I hated it more that their disliking for me would have to be kept quiet: during training and other meetings, I would know that their hatred burned beneath their eyes. I would rather them face me in combat or some other stupid Neverland-way of taking out anger. 

Pan stepped down from the log and leaned his mouth to my ear, whispering so only I could hear. 

"I'm going to take care of a few things. I'll be gone for the rest of the day. Until them, show them who's queen," he sneered and left without another word, disappearing into the forest behind us. When I looked up, I saw every set of eyes on me and I folded my arms, lifting my chin. I didn't know whether or not I could trust Pan - or even these boys - but there was one thing I knew: I was back in charge and to be honest, that gave me a sense of belonging. This was who I am. 

Jayden glared at me and to start this orientation, within a single second, I had grabbed my dagger and flicked it, the weapon piercing his thigh. He let out a cry of agony, falling to the ground; no boy ran to his aid. 

"Anyone else have a problem?" Silence. "Good. Now, Felix," I began and he straightened his posture, showing that he was ready for any command. "Take half of the boys, including Jayden, to training. Show them no mercy. James, take the rest hunting." 

"Are we preparing for some sort of battle or are you just stuck for ideas?" Aiden chuckled, standing too cocky for my liking. I tilted my head and smirked, turning my gaze to James. I nodded once and just like that, James walked over to the boy and punched him in the stomach. Aiden hit back but James didn't back down: he wiped out the boy with a single fist to the face. I turned on my heels and left the camp, walking into Pan's tent. I had played my part but now it was time to find out what Pan was up to. 

I wasn't going to let him play me ever again.

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