Is it really that bad?

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"So? What do you think of my book so far?" I ask my friends. "Its just to normal," Kiara said. "Yeah howcome you didn't say any names or your own name?" Taylor adds. "Because I didn't want to use real names until I asked for there permission," I tell her. "All you did was said parts of what you did yesterday," Kiara says. All these people do is think negative. "I'm gonna go get something to drink," Taylor says. I didn't reply because Im still mad they put down my book. Taylor walks inside her house leaving us outside. Kiara and I sat in awkward silence. It's weird knowing that she knows I like her. I'm tempted to go on my phone but it seems rude. " Is my book really that bad?" I mumbled. "What did you say?" she asked. "Nvm, can I go get Taylors boyfriend?" I ask speaking up this time. "Yeah, I don't care," She says while still looking at her phone. She's probably reading a Harry Styles fanfic, I wouldn't be surprised if she was. I walk across the street to Baylee's house. I knock on the door. About 20 seconds later his little sister answers the door. " Hey Trey, you can go get Baylee he's upstairs," she says. " Thanks Kendra," I reply. I walk upstairs to find him on the computer. "What are you doing kid? You better not be watching porn," I say in Popeyes accent. He say" Im not, I'm not jeez. What do you want?" I point at the window without saying a word. Then I started walking down the stairs, until I bump into Taylor and Kiara coming up. "Kendra let us in," Taylor blurts out before I can say anything. Wasn't like I was I'm not dumb. Sometimes I just have to put my two cents in, pretty soon there gonna be rich because of me. Taylor walks into Baylee's room and hugs him. "I missed you!" They say at the same time. "Its only been one day?" I point out. "Your just jealous because you don't have a girlfriend!" Taylor says. "Does it look like I'm looking for one?" I ask. She let's go of Baylee and says "Yes!" Mabye that's true, but that doesn't matter at the moment. I tell her to shutup and everyone starts laughing. Everyone layed down on Baylee's floor and started talking. I wasn't paying attention, I was thinking about things. Im let out a yawn, everyone looks at me. "Whaat?" I say. I look at the clock 7:37 PM. I close my eyes because Taylor and them were watching tv.


"Trey Wake Up!!" I hear someone scream. "What? Wait, what time is it? Where's my phone? What happened?" I ask confused. "Calm down you fell asleep, so we figured we spend the night here," Kiara says. "Yeah, umm I used your phone to text your mom if you can sleepover," Bailey says while handing me back my phone. "Ohh and I'm guessing they asked there parents to?" I ask. "Well my mom think I'm at Kiara's house and Kiara's mom thinks Kiara's at my house," Taylor says. I stand up and stretch, I started heading out the door. "Were are you going?!?" They all ask at the same time. "Umm to the bathroom," I tell them. After I use the bathroom, I come out and start walking down the stairs quietly so they wouldn't hear me. I go in the freezer and grab the vanilla ice cream and begin making a sundae, I wanted to get first dibs on everything, so I grab the Oreos, I grab the Recees minis out the fridge, and chocolate syrup. "Who wants to make a sundae!!!" I yell. "Me first!" Taylor yells while running down the stairs. Following behind her Baylee says "Its my house I want mine first." "Haven't you ever heard of ladies first?" Kiara asked Bailey. "Shadup already, I'm first because I'm already got my supplies and what not," I say. Everyone piles up in the kitchen. Waiting for me to finish. As soon as I finish I rush to the living room so I don't have to get knockout by people fighting over who's next. I turn on the tv and it was on Safe Haven. I didn't want to change the channel because I was ready to dive into my sundae. About five minutes later everyones in the living room. I look up to see Safe Havens on and switch the channel to Disney. "Why the fuck did you do that?" Taylor yells. "Because I'm actually trying to stay awake not be put to sleep, plus remember last time we watched that movie? That's also another reason" I tell her.

She rolls her eyes, then rest her head on Baylee's shoulder. It got very quiet and we all sat there and watched Austin and Ally.

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