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2 hours later..

i have spent the last 2 hours talking to charlie, watching tv and i even took a nap but nothing is helping me be less bored.

this is mainly the reason i don't enjoy babysitting.

then again, i don't do anything at my house either.

the lights flicker and a boom shakes the house, scaring me a little.

i roll my eyes, remembering it's raining hard outside.

"luna?" i hear alexis call my name and i rise from the couch when she comes from the hall.

"there's nothing to do. i'm growing tired of playing with dolls and my ipad is dead." she pouts.

"sure there's something. uh....do you wanna bake?"

her eyes light up and she smiles, "yes! we can make the cookies!"

"okay, i'll preheat the oven, go ask your brother if he wants to help." i smile and she runs off as i enter the kitchen.

after preheating the oven, i take out two packs of chocolate chip cookie dough from the fridge.

good thing it's the easy version where the dough is already made into cubes.

i don't exactly have the dedication to bake from scratch.

both kids come into the kitchen, "the pans are over here." they pick up 2 cookie sheets and place them on the stove.

"alright, wash your hands first and you can start placing the dough on the sheets." i say as my phone rings.

i take it out of my pocket and walk away from the kitchen, seeing that it's their mom.

i answer it, "hello?"

"hey lu, how's it going?"

"it's going well, we're just baking cookies."

"fun! is cameron there yet?"

"oh uh, no, sorry." i say, hearing the kids laughing

"hon', it's fine, he just won't answer his phone. i'm sure he's fine though. alright, have fun! bye." she hangs up.

i slide my phone back in my pocket as i turn around.

"all done?"

they nod, "can we lick the extra that's on our hands?"

"uh..sure." just as i say yes, they don't hesitate to lick all over their hands, making me chuckle.

i place the cookies in the oven before setting the timer on 10 minutes.

"alec, let's play just dance."

"no, super mario bros."

"just dance." she frowns.

"super mario bros!"

they continue to argue before i calm them both down.

"alec, if you play 3 songs on just dance with alexis, then alexis will play 3 levels on mario, okay?" i try to persuade him and his head hesitantly nods.

as they start playing video games, i fix a glass of juice and walk over to the window, gazing at the pouring condensation of the gloomy clouds blocking the moon from shining.

i sigh, taking a slow sip from the cup in my hand.

just as the oven dings, i hear the kids cheer and i walk over to the oven, taking them out with the oven mitt and turning the oven off.

thunder booms and the lights turn off, along with the rest of the power, causing the kids to scream very loudly.

"guys, calm down!" i say as they run over to me and hug my sides out of fear.

"it's okay, the power will come back soon. at least the cookies finished before the power went off, right?"

"but it's dark, luna." alexis whines.

"mom keeps flashlights in the kitchen drawer." alec opens a drawer, pulling out 4 flashlights.

as we each grab one, my phone buzzes in my pocket again.

i quickly grab it, hoping that ms.gina is calling again, but i view the screen, reading that it's not her.

i answer the call and put it up to my ear.


"where are you? i just watched the power go out in my house so it must be that way for the neighborhood."

"wh-" the door opens, revealing a dark figure on the phone, making the kids scream again.

"relax, it's me." the figure says, closing the door and walking closer.

"luna?" i hear on the phone and from the figure.

"cameron?" i say, ending the call on my phone.

"yeah, who else?" he says, the kids rushing to hug him.

"i didn't know you were babysitting."

"we made cookies with luna."

"you guys can let go, god, it's a storm, not an apocalypse." he says, moving them off of his body so he can walk to his room.

"he's such a dick." alec mutters, making my eyes widen.

"don't say that!"

"it's true, luna, he's mean."

"alec, you still can't say that word."

"yeah, and cam isn't mean, he's just unhappy." alexis defends, making alec roll his eyes.

i walk to the windows, opening the blinds on each one to shed some light from the lampposts and porch lights.

"that's better." alexis sighs, sitting on the couch with a cookie in her hand.

"alright, let's go." cameron comes back out, putting on a dry shirt.


"i have something to do."






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