Names Revealed - 2

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Names Revealed

Air passing around my face as we fall endlessly, the darkness never ends. Things brush against my skin, like a whisper against the silence. Except it wasn't quiet.


Yep as normal the Sin was screaming again. You would think as scrawny and poor of a fighter he is he wouldn't have much strength but my body would tell you otherwise. The man was wrapped around me like his life depended on it. Maybe he thinks that if I hit the ground first he would survive. Maybe I should teach him a leas..... *SMACK*. Why am I always interrupted?

"ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?" He slapped me. The man-child actually slapped me.

"NO YOU WHINING BRAT, I HAVE BEEN QUITE CONTENT IGNORING YOU. Now what is so important that you had to slap me for my attention?"


"Great. NOW JUST STOP YELLING IN MY BLOODY EAR!!!!!" I feel him disconnect himself from my body and hear the rustling of clothing.

"I found it."

"Great now light it."


"What now did you drop the match?"

"No just the spare lighting strip."

"So what is the issue? You should still have the one on the match box don't you?"


"What do you mean kinda? Either you do or you don't."

"I have used it so much, it is worn out. I doubt I can get a light from it."

"Well it wouldn't do any harm to try it."

He mumbles something under his breath.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"I said if you have such grand ideas why don't you do it yourself?"

"Well I would but I am not the one holding the match."

"Fine, then here." I feel his hands force a twig and box like objects in my hand. I arrange then and try to light the match.

After failing the first few times he retorts. "There see what I told you it wouldn't light." As soon as he said light the match flared to life. We glance at each other and then look down to see the cavern floor below us. Though it was only 5 feet below us, we were still floating in the air with wind brushing past our faces like we were still falling.

"How do we get down?" -Cyneric

"I don't know." Then like a switch any air resistance we had is gone and we fall onto the open floor. The grainy dirt ground belongs to a humid cavern with a singular point of light in the middle of the ceiling. Like the light was from another world, another star.

"I wonder how long we were falling."-Cyneric

"I have no idea but I suggest we get a move on. We aren't going to benefit from trying to go back the way we came."

"Okay" We start walking along the wall, turning with the cavern. The walls were decorated with names and pictures using blues and reds to create intricate images of people with black lines separating the images. Each image has a title in another language. One picture of a strawberry-blonde haired girl catches my eye. The girl is standing on top of a pedestal with a few standing to the left and right, each with their own weapons. Looking between the image and my-self I realize the clothing is quite the alike.

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