If Walls Could Talk

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If Walls Could Talk


Song:Mine by Christina Perri

    If walls could talk, what would you do? Would you invite friends over, only to have them hear your darkest secrets? For the Walls see everything. We live inside the walls of your house and when it is night we come out to probe your mind-to find your secrets. We can see what you do everyday and we will use this against you. For the people inside the Walls will do anything to be heard. 

Chapter 1 Song: Tragedy by Christina Perri

"All our knowledge merely helps us to die a more painful death than animals that know nothing." ~Maurice Maeterlinck

"Imagine that you were able to go out in the day time, able to see people in a natural light." a soothing voice floated around us, consuming us during the therapy. "Image human features in the light, sunbeams casting glances onto their shadowy faces—" *BRIIIING*     And suddenly the teacher was cut off. It was a rather rude awakening but one everyone, except me, was grateful for. Slowly I got up from the place I was sitting at outside the classroom. I folded open my wings and glided swiftly to the closet, well alcove actually, near my next class.   

I didn't want to be introduced into this school-as I was new. I had moved walls, the one which I had recently called home until a few weeks ago had been destroyed, taking the rest of my family and the colony with it. Everyone except me. My home was in a brick warehouse in Moscow, Russia. It was extremely rare for a Walling to move but it had had to be done in my case.     

I now was going into the place I dreaded and had avoided all day. A hell of sorts...well not really, but I certainly didn't want to face the rest of my age group colony right now. Actually it was rather stupid of me to have hidden out all day, as now, that I think about it, it will be even more dramatic when I actually make an appearance. Speaking of appearances...mine will most likely come as a brutal shock to everyone.Though I hoped beyond hopes that I would simply...blend in. My mother had always told my brother and I-we were twins, that we should never try to blend in, we should applause the fact that we are unique and not like everyone else. My brother, Kanon, and I always, beside looking different, could do different things too. Every Walling was born with a gift. There were 4 gifts you could be born with, and element that would favor you. Water, wind, earth, sky, or fire. My brother was unique simply because he was favored by wind and sky and could control both. I seemed to be "blessed" as the Old Ones said, with the "gift of Mother Nature" herself. I could control fire, wind, sky, earth, and water. But as if that wasn't enough I could read minds and Time...Time was my pawn. I could do with it what I liked. I had never really explained to anyone what I could do other than to Kanon. Of course that meant my secret died with him. And I'm not even going to start on my aura.     

With these recollections I squared my petite shoulders and raised my chin, my prominent cheekbones pointing towards the scaffolded ceiling. Taking a deep breath my slender fingers curled around the bauble that was a doorknob. The door creaked open and the sounds that greeted me did by suit the seriousness of the situation I had created inside my own head. I glided inside, sticking to the shadows, beckoning for them to encircle me from the people in this classroom. I crept stealthily along the side of the square room, sticking close to the light now that the shadows had abandoned me. As I quickly ducked into the beams I snuck up behind the middle aged Walling who was giving the class a lecture on auras. Shit. I tapped him on the...well, lower back as I was extremely short and he was tall. Actually average sized but that's beside the point. I preferred being referred to as petite anyway. The man jumped about 6 feet into the air. I'm not kidding you, his wings came out and everything. I smiled innocently as he fluttered down to inspect me. His eyes widened as he queried, "You must be the new student" he took in my full appearance and tried unsuccessfully not to stare at me. His Brooklyn accent was thick, granted this was Manhattan. I blinked twice in conformation. The other students hadn't seen me yet, thankfully as I was hidden behind his bulky form. "Well..." he checked his list, "You introduce yourself to the class and they will ask you questions to get to, um, know you" he tugged his collar as I had looked him in the eye. My eyes were needless to say creepy. They were black. A dark obsidian. So dark you could not see the pupil. He moved quickly out of the way as I drifted around him to face the class. I was putting off a very good air of confidence I must say, though I was shaking like a leaf inwardly. People's eyes widened in shock and some gasped. I felt them scan me. Twice. Three times. Four times. I knew I looked odd but back at...home, I wasn't used to it unless we had visitors which was very rare. I had white blond hair that went down to my lower back and very pale skin, almost alabaster. I was very short, about 4"11. I was slender and looked as if I would break if you but breathed on me. I knew I was graceful and my hands were tiny and slender. The fingers almost akin to two and half toothpicks lined up next to each other. My eyes were large and black. My eyelashes long and dark and my mouth plump and a very dark natural crimson. I wore a long white sundress that swirled around my feet. I wore no shoes. I blinked and my voice rang out clear, and, thank Mother Nature, steady. I had the type of voice that sounded as if I was in a perpetual dream-like state. It gave people goosebumps and I saw people rub their arms as I said, "My name is Thyme" my accent was thick but yet understandable. Undoubtedly it made me sound even more futuristic. 


Hey guys! So I started another story since I'm not realling feling the other one right now.  I hate setting goals but if you all want the next chapter can I get at least 5 votes and some comments? XXX

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