Therapy Class

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I decided I didn't care if people voted or not so here is the next chapter!


Chapter 2

Song: 1,000 ships by Rachel Platten

"It's never safe to be nostalgic about something until you're absolutely certain there's no chance of its coming back."  ~Bill Vaughn

Finally after a good 7 minutes everyone had gotten over most of their initial shock. The teacher, Mr. Collins as I would later learn, said in a rather unsteady voice which had to be cleared several times to be understandable said shakily, "Well, anybody want to ask, um, Thyme any questions?" they squirmed nervously in their seats until one brave girl asked me where I had come from. Bless her. "Russia. Moscow specifically."  "So are you like a communist or something" some girl who had obviously dyed her hair too many times asked. I gave her props for asking but can you say bitch. I raised one eyebrow at her and said, "Perhaps. But then again do I really look like much of a threat, Sandy?" that was a blatant lie actually, me not being a threat but it would throw them off the trail for a while. Though I couldn't help but add her name onto the end, just to creep her out. Not my fault the teacher had thought, "Oh Sandy..." when she had rudely asked me her question. Her brown eyes were wide and everyone stared at me even more closely. Obviously inspecting me to try to figure out if I knew their names too and if I did, how? "How-how do you know my name?" she asked unsteadily, voicing the rest of the classes' thoughts. I simply tapped my temple with a slim finger and smiled a barely perceptible smile. I sifted through the classes' thoughts, through the sexy ones, the wandering ones, the ones thinking I was hot, the ones about everything else unimportant till I landed on each of their darkest secrets. The darkest one I came upon was one of the girls had been sexually harassed by a neighbor. I vowed to help that girl because it was obvious on the outside that something was wrong on the inside. Thankfully she was sitting alone and I floated over to her. "Hello" I said as I felt the eyes of the class follow me. "May I retire beside you?" I asked. I winced inwardly as during my time travel trips I often picked up on their language. she nodded mutely and licked her lips nervously. I carefully grasped onto her name and filed it into my head. "my name is Rachael" she said quietly. I smiled brilliantly and stuck out my hand, "Thyme" I introduced myself unnecessarily. She grasped my hand and gasped. {cold...} she thought. I sat back on the seat and I knew I would've become friends with her regardless. She was my kind of girl. She just needed a bit of a sprinkling of confidence. Thankfully I had plenty to share. Or at least I pretended I did, but I suppose that is what confidence is.     

Class had ended shortly after that and I had learned quite a lot about Rachael. And this time by actually talking to her. Her element was Earth and she liked gardening, she was a vegetarian, she was an only child too. Her favorite plant was a sunflower and she preferred going to the higher end hunting spots during the night to scope out victims. Though Rachael called them, 'unknowing volunteers' I had laughed at that and nearly given everyone in the vicinity a heart attack. She was very witty actually. A talent that was not bestowed upon me-I was too serious. She had asked me things too after becoming more comfortable. I told her my family and colony had died. When she asked about my element I winked and said, "Oh, it's not important" she had cocked her head but did not pursue much farther. I knew I had picked a good one immediately after that. There are some things that you can determine from sifting through people's minds but not anything about their actual personality. I decided that if she was to be my friend I couldn't just pry into her thoughts whenever I wanted to. So I had to make sure not to read into them-which is very difficult if you've never restricted yourself before.  The colony that I now lived in, the one in Manhattan, was very different from my old home in Moscow. I missed it dearly and wished that I could go back but I knew that it was irrational to think such things. The only time I would ever see my old home in that brick warehouse was in my dreams. Every night I dream of that night, wishing I hadn't been out searching for memories. I thought the opportunity had been too good to pass up, a drunkard laying on the floor, his big back resting against our wall while he had no idea what was behind him. His drunken stupor made it especially easy to find what he wanted no one to see. That he had been cheating on his wife. I remember coming back from delving into that man's mind and I remember the explosion, I remember re-gaining consciousness and finding my family-my colonies'-broken bodies scattered in bits in between the rubble. No one would ever hear their voices that we had worked so hard to distinguish. All the memories we had stolen-gone, all the secrets recorded-burned. I had wanted nothing but to die then, and sometimes I still do. Recalling these things were painful for me and I shook them quickly from my mind, trying to focus on the babble that was spewing from the teacher's mouth, but I had never liked therapy class; it was really only a time for me to think, though I doubt everyone else in the class paid any attention either. My thoughts drifted once again to this new colony. It was rather beautiful, I must say The wall in which it was based was very big and extremely thick so the colony was much larger. I hadn't met the queen yet but she was (obviously) the head of the colony. Now that I think about it it was a bit how ants worked though I'd be severely insulted if you ever compared us Wallings to such creatures. Then their were the queens guards which also served as the army. There were quite a lot of them and were also used in case our enemy, the Zorlins who lived up in the mountains. There were constant battles but none of them ever resulted i much other than murdered Wallings and Zorlins.  The town, colony, that I now lived in was, as I've said before, much larger than my previous home. Not many can imagine the magnitude and how great our, shall I say, settlements, are. It's exactly like the human world outside and the groundskeepers as we called them helped with the weather. We had a sun and a moon and stars-all made and controlled partially between many Fire elementals, and Sky elementals and the great Mother. We had grass in our parks and along some of the suburban streets-this grass and the trees and the flowers were grown by Earth elementals. Rachael had told me that's what she wanted to do, "It'd be like gardening for a job!" she'd said. I'd laughed at that but she seemed very enthusiastic about it too so I knew I would support her when the time came when we graduated to pick our jobs in the colony. We had shops and farms and all the stuff you see out in the human world. Really I did not envy the humans, we were much more advance than them anyway. "...and breathe in and out, in and out, and come back to the present. Good" The teacher, Mrs. Brawlings, had finally ended the therapy class that every Walling was required to attend while in school, supposedly it helped us, "keep our elements in check", which I didn't really see the point of, as we had Elements class for that.



Hope you liked it! Keep in mind it is not yet edited and if someone could maybe point out some of the mistakes I'd be greatful!


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