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Viktor Nikiforov, the Heir and first son to the throne of the kingdom of Russia.

He's 27 and is going to take the throne in a year.

He spends most of his time at the frozen lake behind his glamorous castle, skating, thus has gained the name, Prince of the Ice.

He tends to feel rather lonely even with the maids, butlers and some aristocrats in the castle. But could one fateful visit of a prince of a far country change his life?

~Viktor's POV~

"Your highness, please, your father is waiting for you. He needs to have a word with you" My father's right hand pleaded as I stop my tracks on the ice.

"Tell him I'll be there in a minute." I breath wiping sweat of my forehead. I just practiced a little routine for myself. I took off my skates and went in the castle and headed upstairs. I was about to head to my room until my brother interrupted.

"Are you really going to make father wait?" My little brother Yuri Plisetsky, he's 15. Even if we're brothers from different mothers, we get along, but his mother sadly passed when she gave birth to him, but he's accepted it.

"No. I'm just going to change and I'll head down. You can go ahead." I said as I walk past my younger brother. He glared at me with his green eyes as I returned the look he gave me with my icy blue ones.

I went to my room and changed. I trotted down to the throne room where my father and brother wait for me as he sat on our chairs. "Father," Yuri and I said in unision said as we bowed.

"Sons, in two days time, an aristocrat and his sister will be coming here to discuss some matters with you two. Please make them feel at home and give them the upmost hospitality and kindness." He stated.

"From where are they, father? And you're sure he's an aristocrat and not some some peasant claiming he is?"

"YURI! That was rude and not how I raised you to be, fix your attitude before they get here. And they are aristocrats. The son and daughter of the Emperor of Japan."

"They've traveled far." I say as my mouth was frozen in awe.

"That's why I am asking you two to help them enjoy their stay in the castle. They have traveled for two weeks and by the time they get here, they're going to be exhausted."

"Yes, your highness." The both of us said as we headed to our respective rooms.

I plop down onto my bed as I let out a tired sigh. "Hope this'll be worth my time." I say as I let sleep take over me, not bothering to eat dinner.


I stood in between my father and Yuri as we waited for the visitors' arrival. Trumpets blare out through the throne room, signaling that they've arrived. "Please welcome the heirs of Japan!" Someone yelled down the hall as three figures enter the room.

"Ahh! The Princess Katsuki Mari and The Prince Katsuki Yuuri! Welcome to my humble castle!" Father said stepping forward.

"His name is Yuuri, huh? Oh and he has glasses... he seems not to enthusiastic though. Hm, I can fix that" A slight smirk appears on my lips as I cut myself out of my thoughts.

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