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Just a heads up, this story is only for fun. I'll write a chapter on what I want this story to go. But I am still open for suggestions. (Bitch this has 5 reads.) (and sorry for the filler ahead...)

~Yuuri's POV~

He led us to a garden behind the castle. Since it was around winter, the grass was covered in a layer of snow and, what I presume to be a pond, was frozen. The ice was thick enough to be skated on. It probably was frozen all the way. "Your Highness... c-can y-you uhm..."
Mari-neechan whispered to Viktor as she stepped closer to whisper something to him. A moment later, he opened his eyes, revealing his beautiful icy-blue orbs which stared into mine.

Later the prince nodded as Mari-neechan walked to me, "It's going to be alright, Otōtō."(Lil, bro) She said patting by back and going back into the castle. "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT WOMAN THINKING?!!?! BAKAAAAAA!!!! YOU HEIR! GET BACK HERE!!-Pfffttt- HAHAHA! That sounds like mom... heh..."I mentally cursed my sister, while I try to muzzle a laugh.

"S-So... Yuur-ri ," "He stuttered?" I ask myself. "Wha- A-Are
you... o-ok? Sorry about Yuri over there..." he looked at the ground scratching his neck, biting his lip.

"No... i-it's alright..." I pulled myself together and gave him a weak, yet warm smile. I gained a blush from him in return. I giggled slightly at that. "So he DOES get flustered. Finally, I'm not alone."

The wind around us howls as it blew tiny snowflakes around. "YOUR HIGHNESS!" Someone yelled as I turn around. "Your Highness," A girl with brown-reddish hair curtsied. "Please tend to your duties this instant." She looks from Viktor to me. "Don't worry, I will escort the Prince back to his quarters."

"Uhh Yuuri?" He said. I turn to him as he fixed his collar. "Would you mind if you... joined me?" He raised a brow.

"W-Well... if it's not any trouble... t-t-then sure..." I managed to muttuer out. I breathed in and out as a white cloud escaped from my -probably- chapped lips. The winter here is Russia is more colder than back at home.

"Then let's go~!" Viktor cheerily yelled as he took my wrist and led me to, what I presume, his study. "Ugh. How many important thibgs are in here?" He whined.

"Eh?" I asked

"I hope that these are actually thing I need to tend to, but they're probably just a stack of marriage proposals. Uggghhhhhhhhhhhh" He groanded as he folded his arms on the table. "Please don't be all marriage proposa-" He stopped as he took a letter from the stack. "Ls... Whhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" He leaned back in his chair. "And Yuuri, you can sit." He ushered me. I sat on the chair infront of his desk and took a letter. "Oh dear..."

The letter read,

Dear His Highness,
Viktor Nikiforov.

I am here by asking you if you would greatly take my hand in marriage as soon as we visit you for your birthday? Please write back my dear!

The Prince of Switzerland,


"Did it need to have a kiss mark?" I said outloud. I immediately cover my mouth as I blush intensely. "I-I-I-I'M SO S-SORRY!" I yelled through my hand. Viktor just laughs at my pathetic self.

"No need Yuuri, I know who it's from. He's probably the most annoying prince I've ever met, he always bugs me about that proposal thing. Which I always turn down, but he's just too stubborn." He chuckles.

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