Losing/Georgia: Prologue (JeanMarco)

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I always feel like I'm on the losing side when it comes to my brain. My thoughts make things so complicated that half the time I don't know what it is I'm feeling or seeing or hearing. It's especially bad when it comes to love. Unless it's spelled out right in front of me, there is no way of me catching it. Even if I suspect something, I would never try because of the way life has led me to bad experiences. 

It's almost embarrassing how many time's I have been shut down, turned away, and forgotten about when it comes to pursuing love interests. I would follow people around and try to get closer with them, only to be told no and to leave them alone. I'm 23, I'm single, and I'm scared to love people because all I can think about is my shit luck. 

But everyone has bad days, and times where things don't quite go to plan. It's a normal part of human nature, so why does it bother me so much? Why am I letting this stop me from finding someone?

It'd be one thing if it was one or two bad dates, but not only has their been at least a dozen failed attempts, there is one I will never forget. His name was Marco, and he broke my heart into more pieces than I thought was possible.

And this is our story.    

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