Chapter 15

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I wake up this morning, alone.

No. Please, tell me it was a dream. Tell me he didn't leave.

I'd begin questioning my sanity after having a dream like that.

No, it had to be real.

I checked the clock.


Time for school.

I sigh and curl up into a ball, wishing for a thousand years of sleep.

I just can't believe he ran away. I've never felt more worthless in my life. All I wanted was to hold him. And he... what did I do? He preferred being in a house of domestic violence over being with me.

I clench my jaw, hopelessly angry and just as depressed. I rub my eyes and rush out the room, hoping for anything to serve as a distraction.

I take a quick shower and get dressed before grabbing my phone and my backpack. I couldn't help but check the voicemail, searching for his beautiful voice.

"1 New Message"


"If it wasn't obvious, I want my damn key back."


Just Julie being a pain in the ass. Fuck. I grab my keys and before walking out the door, I remember to check my texts.

His name lights up the screen and I feel my heart flip in my chest. I anxiously tap on the thread and hope for things to be alright.

6:00AM Jamie: Ian, I'm so incredibly sorry. I...
You mean the world to me and I really do love you, despite what you may think. I was so out of it yesterday but you need to know that I'm okay. And I'm not upset with you or anything.
6:03AM Jamie: I totally understand if you're mad at me or don't want to talk or whatever, just know that everything that happened last night was one hundred percent my fault. You didn't do anything to deserve that. I was just overwhelmed and scared and needed time to think.
6:05AM Jamie: Please, try to smile. I'll see you at school, if you want to talk more.
6:05AM Jamie: I love you.

He needed some time to think? Think about what? Us? Is there an 'us'? I'll see him at school, though, so that's a good thing.

I read the last line over and over in my head. I had thought he changed his mind about me, thought that I had woken up alone because he didn't feel the way he said he did. Well, at least he could answer my questions at school.

That thought sends me practically flying out the door. I get to school about 20 minutes earlier than I usually do and sit in the parking lot thinking about what I'd say to him.

Thanks for making me feel like a worthless piece of shit, Jamie.

I lock the old station wagon I had stolen when my parents kicked me out the house two years ago.

I lived on the streets for about a week and a half after that, until Mason found out. He let me crash in his apartment for a few months 'till I finally made enough money to buy a house.

Of course, my college funds covered the mortgage, while my job at the Radio Shack downtown covered the bills.

When Jamie found out, he nearly passed out. He was so pissed and let me tell you he is so adorable when he gets mad. He starts cussing and his face turns red and he's just... so cute when he's mad.

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