01 | saturday

813 40 39

To Lee Jihoon, today was supposedly another Saturday. Or, another day lying on the couch, eating any food he can find and watching random shows on Netflix or listening to music and possibly writing down a few lyrics. With his passion for music, it has only became a habit to write down lyrics at random parts of the day.

But not for everyone was it another lousy day.

Right in the room next to his, Kwon Soonyoung was pacing around his room, his head spinning and his stomach churning. Thoughts trudged through his mind, and obviously also took a wrong turn and immediately sunk into quicksand. After that one phone call that just occurred only seconds before, he knew this week was destined to be horrid.

"Hey mom!" Soonyoung exclaimed with a bright smile planted onto his face. Ever since Soonyoung moved out, to his surprise, his parents didn't call that much after months passed. Although Soonyoung was goofy and, at times, very immature, he was as well responsible and capable to be alone. "What's up?"

"Ah, Soonyoung, baby! We miss you!" His parents exclaimed on the other side of the screen, making Soonyoung chuckle a bit and his heart warm up. You couldn't dare put it in words to explain how much Soonyoung loved his family.

"I miss you too!" Soonyoung sat down on one of the chairs that sat in front of the table counter in the kitchen. He spun around in it a bit, feeling already more happy than possible.

"How's the engagement coming along?" Her words was dipped in curiosity, Soonyoung just knew. His heart clenched at the words that escaped her lips,

"You know, Soonyoung honey, we miss you so much, we're coming to visit you!" They exclaimed, and immediately, Soonyoung's heart dropped to the floor, almost as well as his phone. He was in complete disbelief, hearing them pop the news to him was shocking. But, it was better than him having to see them at his door randomly, and him being fiance-less.

"O-Oh!" Soonyoung softly said, obviously speechless. He licked his lips, thinking of the words to say. "When are you coming?"

"Next Wednesday! We can't wait to meet your fiance! I have a feeling he's going to be wonderful!" Her voice was laced in excitement, making Soonyoung smile a bit. Knowing that they were so supportive of his sexuality couldn't make him more happier.

But then again, he was single as fuck, but to more than two people, he was about to get married.

A frustrated sigh accidentally escaped his lips, making his family hum in confusion and worry, but were immediately reassured it was just because the apartment was a "mess". But, if anything, that was the last thing he cared about.

That was the last thing said, and suddenly, he ended up pacing around the room rather than informing his fiance that his parents were coming over. Mainly because that male was non-existent.

After being oh-so frustrated and stuck in the horrid situation until Wednesday morning, he walked out of the room and into the hallway. Soonyoung had no idea what he was doing, as his body was just doing it's own thing. But right when his hand hit the door labeled 9-548 about 5 times, he knew he fucked up big-time.

Once the noise in the room paused, he could hear little footsteps hit the floor quietly through the thin walls and a soft groan along with complaining. Obviously, the short guy did not want to be bothered on a nice Saturday, but his plans were erupted.

Once opening the door, Jihoon looked up in curiosity, then saw Soonyoung and groaned. "Yes, Soonyoung? What do you want?"

Soonyoung and Jihoon talked a few times, due to being neighbors and all. But, they never considered each other as "friends" per say, which is why both of them are surprised to see the other. Jihoon, more annoyed rather than surprised. Then Soonyoung, surprised that Jihoon even opened the door and is confused to why he's even there. But, at the moment, Soonyoung is desperate for a fake fiance at this point, even if it means to ask the grumpiest, possibly rudest, and cutest person in the entire apartment building.

"Hey Jihoon, my precious lil' neighbor." Soonyoung spoke smoothly, leaning against the door frame. Jihoon raised an eyebrow at his action, already questioning why he even opened the door. Soonyoung pinched his cheeks, earning a slap on the arm from Jihoon.

"Don't keep me waiting out here any longer, Soonyoung. I'm so close to closing the door on your face at the moment," Jihoon bluntly said with an annoyed expression glued permanently to his face. Soonyoung bit his nervously, already knowing he was quickly running out of time. "Get to the point, unless you're here to flirt. If so, leave. It's definitely not working."

Soonyoung widened his eyes and shook his head immediately. "No, no, no. That's not the reason I'm here. I promise!"

"Then get to the point?" Jihoon sighs, his hands running through his hair in frustration just because he wants to go back to the couch.

"Could you be my fake fiance?" Soonyoung blurted out hurriedly and crossed his fingers behind his back, hoping he'd say yes.

But, he didn't.

In fact, he didn't get a reply at all.

Rather than that, he got the longest stare-down of all time. Jihoon stood there, pondering if Soonyoung was being serious. After a few more seconds, he did not hear one laugh or "Haha! I'm kidding!" at all. Instead, it was just Soonyoung being more nervous than ever.

So, Jihoon closed the door.

But, Soonyoung wasn't going to put up with that. Forcefully, Soonyoung opened up the door, just to see an even more annoyed than before Jihoon. His lips were pursed and his eyes were shooting daggers into Soonyoung's soul, but he didn't care. He just wanted to have a fiance, even if that meant putting up a fight for it.

"A fake fiance? You're shitting me, right?" Jihoon asked, but much to his luck, Soonyoung shook his head.

"Completely serious right now, Ji."

"Don't call me that."

Soonyoung sighed, beginning to get annoyed as well. He took in a deep breath, and then continued to speak.

"Please. Just for a day, next Wednesday. After they're done visiting and yay yay, you're gone. I'll call you back in if they come back. Please, Jihoon, I'm so desperate," Soonyoung begged, and Jihoon was fully aware so. "Please?"

The dirty blonde haired boy sighed, then nodded. "If that gets you to shut up, then okay. I'm in."

Hearing those words come out of his mouth surprised both parties equally, although it surprised Soonyoung a bit more. The older one cheered and couldn't get the smile off his face.

"Thank you, Hoonie-"

"Don't call me that."

Soonyoung nodded hesitantly, although he knew he would call him that even more. "Come to my room tomorrow! We'll get everything started then!"

Jihoon nodded and immediately closed the door, then trudged over to the couch in disbelief. He sat there, staring at his sheets of paper while trying to process the information he heard and situation he just got into. Everything that just happened in only 10 minutes.

"I cannot believe I just agreed to do that," Jihoon muttered as he stared at the sheets. "I cannot believe I even opened that goddamn door."

Already, he knew that he regretted everything.

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