02 | sunday

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The next morning, Soonyoung woke up with a bright smile on his face. Knowing that he (hopefully) had everything under his control made so much weight fall off his shoulders. Nobody could dare put in words how jovial Soonyoung felt at that very second.

It's different for Jihoon though.

When he woke up, he was - at first - amiable for maybe the first time in years. A small planted on his face as the sun shined through all the window and made its path upon him. It felt as if a smile could not be taken off his face.

Until, of course, an enthusiastic knock was heard at the door.

Jihoon glanced at the clock, showing it was 9:00. He stared at the door in confusion, wondering who would be at the door. Once he got up, the memory of yesterday's events settled into Jihoon's mind and he groaned once again.

"Soonyoung, if that's you, go back to your goddamn room. It's too early to be bothering me right now," Jihoon shouted, and he could hear his whining from his bedroom as Jihoon took his clothes placed atop the dresser. "If you whine like that again, you'll wake up the entire building."

"Hoonie, please open up!" Soonyoung begged and pouted continuously, hoping the stubborn male will open up soon. "I just need to see you for a second! We need to talk everything through!"

"I just woke up!" Jihoon exasperated as he walked into the bathroom and turned on the water. He stomped over to the door to see a shocked and partially scared Soonyoung staring down at the boy. "Be lucky I even agreed to this, okay Soonyoung? Just give me a few minutes, my God."

The door was slammed shut, making Soonyoung look around the hallway for a second. Seeing him angry was surprisingly a bit intimidating, although Soonyoung could probably just step on Jihoon. Considering he just got annoyed at him now, he could only imagine how annoyed he'll get in the future.

So of course, being the loyal boy he is, Soonyoung waited outside in the hallway. He hummed to himself, patting his thigh to the beat that was being played in his head as he tapped his foot in sync with the beat as well. Surprisingly enough, he never got bored for a second whilst sitting on the floor in front of Jihoon's room.

He waved excitedly to the people passing by, telling them good morning and to have a good day, and even had conversations with people. People repeatedly asked if he was waiting for his girlfriend, making him shift uncomfortably where he was sitting and simply said "just a friend".

"More like my fake fiance," Soonyoung muttered to himself with an annoyed tone once the last stranger that immediately thought he was straight asked if he was waiting for his girlfriend. He got up, wiping the non-existent dust off his black pants and huffed. "Why do people think I have a significant other? People can't stay out in hallways these days?"

"People don't stand and wait in hallways for who-knows-how-long very often, so it's reasonable that they assumed you had a significant other," Soonyoung's head snapped behind him once hearing that somewhat familiar voice and his annoyed facial expression immediately alter into a happy smile. "Well, a real significant other - not a fake one, like me."

Soonyoung pouted and crossed his arms like a child. "Stay in character, Jihoon! We have to work on that..." Soonyoung grabbed his wrist, then ambled over to where the elevators were.

"Where are we going?" Jihoon asked with pure confusion. It was written all over his face that he was confused in every way possible. He barely even knew Soonyoung, so having him grab his wrist and pull him along wasn't anything better.

"To the mall! You have to dress up well to meet my parents, silly," Soonyoung laughed quietly as he pressed the lobby button. Jihoon pulled his hand from his grasp and made a slightly annoyed face, although he was hiding his pure amusement behind that annoyed expression. "So, tell me about yourself, fiance!"

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