4 | wednesday

305 22 1

you know i've never been so lonely on my own
and it shows
'cause i don't see you
like i used to . . .
now i'm running back on the things that i know

word count: 1,684

The familiar knock on the door kept ringing in Jihoon's ears repeatedly as he continued to try to write his music, whilst his friend, Joshua, was in the room as well. It was in a familiar pattern which made it known to the songwriter that the person at the door was Soonyoung. As much as he wanted to see Soonyoung again—which was not at all—he did not get up. In fact, the younger boy did not move a muscle. He just sat there. He just waited.

In case you were wondering what he was waiting for, it was for Soonyoung to get a life and leave the introverted boy alone.

But was that anytime soon? Unfortunately not.

"Jihoon!" Soonyoung shouted obnoxiously, knocking again and Jihoon sighed, continuing to write. "Hoonie! Hoon Hoon! Jiji! Ji! Hoon, open up!"

The eye roll Jihoon did was much more obvious than intended, which could've been taken wrong as Joshua was rambling about his soon-to-be-official boyfriend Seungcheol. Jihoon was listening but has said nothing for the past 15 minutes. That was how Jihoon was—listening, but never says anything about it.

"Why'd you roll your eyes?" Joshua questioned and Jihoon sighed quietly.


"Oh, your fiancé or whatever?" Joshua asked and Jihoon sat there, acting like stone, then nodded. Seeing his response made a light chuckle of some concern escape from his throat. "Uh, about that... shouldn't you guys... be like... living together?"


"What- why?" Joshua genuinely seemed so confused and, knowing him, Jihoon was aware the truth would escape either his or Soonyoung's lips sometime soon. Joshua knew how to get the truth out of both Jihoon and Soonyoung, since he's been hanging out with the pair a lot recently, and the duo knew how to get the truth out of Joshua. Interrogation worked well.

Jihoon stayed quiet for a moment longer. It would've been quieter if Soonyoung wasn't banging on the door while singing something as Hyungwon, Jihoon's other neighbor, loudly complained about the noise on the other side of the wall. Since this was happening, Jihoon scurried to the door after excusing himself and pushed Soonyoung into the hallway.


"I'm telling Jisoo."

Soonyoung went silent.

"What? As in Joshua?" Soonyoung spoke with concern, his eyes flashing in fear and he gulped. The tension was growing slowly but surely as Soonyoung as well slowly but surely became tenser. It confused Jihoon to why he was reacting like this anyway, considering he didn't think of it as that big of a problem. Obviously, Soonyoung thought the exact opposite.

"You... you can't do that. Ji, are you insane?" Jihoon shook his head as a reply. "Obviously you are. The entire building will know about... you know! They'll think of us as," Soonyoung whispered quite obnoxiously. "liars."

"You're a horrible whisperer, did you know that?"

"You're missing my point, Jihoon!" Soonyoung groaned and stomped a bit, making Jihoon laugh a bit. "My point is, no telling. The entire building will know by tomorrow."

Jihoon rolled his eyes, sighing softly as he looked at Soonyoung. "Do you even know Jisoo? He's best friends with Jeonghan, so I know your fear, but he isn't a gossiper. So I'm telling him because I know him well."

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