Chapter 1.

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I stand shaking on a thin walkway with a gun pointed to me. Thoughts going through my head of so many things, mainly wondering if Cassian is okay. I start to really worry. All I want to do is find him and comfort him. He fought so hard for what he believed in and he trusted me. He gave me kindness when I just pushed him away. If anyone should die it should be me, not Cassian. It might turn out that way anyways.
Krennic is about to pull the trigger, I think to my self. But a shot goes through his body and leaves him laying on the ground.
I look up to see the one person I wanted to see more then ever; Cassian. My eyes widen and I seem to smile a bit without even noticing.

I walk over to transmit the plans. Relief strikes my body as I watch the plans load and then send a transmission to the rebellion. A transmission that could save the galaxy.
"Do you think someone's watching?" Cassian asks.
"I do," I reply confidently.
I walk over to him, still stunned at what just happened.
I look over my shoulder to see Krennic laying down, wounded.
Anger starts to grow in me. As I look at him, all of the pain he put me through replays in my head. I want him to suffer the same way he made me, my family, friends, team, and countless other innocent people suffer.
I start to storm over to him but a hand grabs me and pulls me in close. A familiar hand. Cassian's hand.
He whispers things to me which I barley hear. I am too busy with anger flowing through me. But eventually the whispers make me calm down.
Cassian isn't hugging me, but sort of holding me close. Not letting go and not giving up on me, even when things got tough.
He pulls me closer, and leeds us to an elevator.
I look up at him with tears starting to pool in the corners of my eyes.

He risked his own life to save me.
My eyes start to tear up more as I realize that this was the end. That we weren't going to live on beyond this. These were our last moments.
I look up at Cassian. He was looking into my eyes. He is starting to tear up as well. I can tell that he is scared, just like me.
A tear drop runs down my cheek.
I would never want to be spending my last moments with anyone but Cassian. I gaze into his eyes and something inside of me can tell that he feels the same way.

We walk onto a beach. My arm wrapped around Cassian, supporting him with all of his injuries.
He falls to the ground and something inside of me felt like it just broke.
I sit down next to him, taking the pain in my heart that came from seeing Cassian hurting so bad.

I look around waiting for it to happen, wishing it would hurry up so I could get it over with. So I wouldn't be scared or in pain anymore and neither would Cassian.
I turn my head to see Cassian staring at me.
"What...?" I say suspiciously.
"Your father would be proud," he says, putting on a brave face, trying not to think about what was going to happen any minute.
I smile.
At this very moment, I don't care about the pain or fear. I am with Cassian, and I want that moment to last forever.

I start to see a light. So many thoughts are going through my mind at this moment. Cassian tries to stand up. I stand up next to him, ready to grab him if he falls.
He looks at me. We are both shaking. He grabs me, trying to calm he down. He holds me and hugs me. I feel relief. I wrap my arms around him and suddenly feel at home.
I look up to see the light shining brighter and brighter. A light that's only meaning is death. I hug Cassian tighter with tears running down my cheeks onto his jacket.
I was never afraid to die, I never really had a reason to live. But standing here on this beach, with Cassian's arms wrapped tight around me, and knowing the difference we made, I want to live. I have a reason to want to live.
I am upset and scared that this is the end just when things felt like they were only beginning. But with Cassian holding me tight in his arm's, as scared as I am, I have never felt more safe and at home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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