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Rose and Annie, two strong, fiercely independent girls. With wild dreams and open hearts, they find themselves befriending new people and taking chances.


"I can't believe we're doing this." I said as I sat at my desk sipping on my tea.

"In less than 24 hours we will be in our new flat." My best friend, Annie said from the bed.

The two of us had always dreamt of moving to London together, and we were finally doing it. With her being 18 and me being 19, she was an internet sensation and I was just the best friend that helped her film.

That night we used our time packing last minute things, such as clothes and other small things that we would be taking in our suitcases. We had already sent our bigger boxes to our flat for us to unpack when we arrive.

"I'm absolutely exhausted." I said, falling back onto my bed.

"You think I'm not?"

I just mumbled a response and rolled over, picking up my phone and checking the time: 2:37am. I got up and went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face. Annie came in after me, following suit and doing the same thing.

Soon the two of us were in bed, dreaming of all the things we would do in our new home.


"Annie hurry the hell up we're going to be late!" I yelled as Annie took way too long to style her short hair.

"You can't rush perfection. You know, ro-" I cut her off. "Rome wasn't built in a day I know. Let's go!" I grabbed my bag and hauled it to the taxi waiting by the road.

Our flight wasn't until 15:30 but I didn't want to have complications checking in and sorting luggage out so I wanted to get there extra early.

We loaded the taxi and Annie pulled out her vlogging camera, as per usual when we did something exciting.

"Hey guys so I'm here in a taxi, on my way to the airport to start my move from the United States to London!" She did a little dance in her seat and I just laughed at her. Youtubers, honestly.

She continued talking while I pulled out my phone and began to catch up on some things going on in the Prem.

"And here this fuckin' nerd is checking up on some soccer scores that only she as an American, cares about." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Can't wait to get to England where the call it by its proper name; football." I retorted.

"Whatever, well, we're at the airport now, so I shall keep you guys updated once we check in!" She shut the camera off and we paid the cab driver, grabbing our luggage and heading into the airport.

Check in didn't take us as long as I had expected it to, so we had some time to spare while we awaited our flight.

"Maccas?" Annie asked me, pointing to the large McDonald's sign ahead of us.

I agreed, following the current red head to the food.

We ate our meal in a comfortable silence, scrolling through social media and whatnot.

I had gained a small following on twitter and Instagram from Annie's fans that for some reason, found my idiotic tweets entertaining.

"Rose, they just called our flight." Annie broke me from my daydream.

"What are we waiting for then?"


When we arrived in London, there was a slight fog in the air and a chill to the wind.

"This is not what I expected of London." Annie complained.

"I expected nothing less, I knew it would be like this. I love it." I embraced the cool air and took a big whiff of the air. It smelled of rain, something I was very fond of.

"Now, we must find a taxi, and go to our flat." Annie looked around outside, spotting a taxi and hailing it over.

"Stratford Halo please." She told the man driving after we had placed our luggage in the trunk.

On the way, we saw the sights, making mental notes of places we needed to see soon, and overall just getting a feel of our new city.

"Thank you!" I called to the taxi driver as he drove away, leaving the two of us with our luggage in front of one of the tallest buildings I had ever seen.

We went inside, speaking with the attendant downstairs about our flat, signing some legal documents that ensured that we were in fact, who we said we were, and then we were handed two pairs of keys for the flat.

We took the elevator, lucky that no one else was on so we could take our luggage with us on the first go.

Once we arrived on our floor we walked down the hall, finding our flat.

"I'm so excited, I want to open it." I said grabbing my key.

"Be my guest." She stepped back and I unlocked the door, turning the handle and letting it open up.

My breath was taken away. Gorgeous hard woods, nice colored walls, and a view that was to die for.

"I already know I'm going to love it here." I said getting closer to the windows.

"Me too." Annie agreed.

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