Not Gonna Lose You

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Not Gonna Lose You

The mission was supposed to be quick and easy. Everyone was supposed to get out of there unscathed because it was that simple.

"Steve, you idiot!" Bucky cried out as he watched his boyfriend in the red, white and blue uniform take down another man in a black mask.

"Bucky," Steve panted, "Get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving you!" Bucky punched a man racing towards him, knocking him out cold. Turning back to his boyfriend, he watched him take down another villain. "Come on, Steve! The building's burning down around us! We need you!"

"I said, go, Buck!" Steve reinforced, looking towards his worried boyfriend. Ash fell upon the blonde's cheeks and he turned his eyes upwards to watch one of the rafters start falling down to where he stood.


Bucky started racing towards him, a new mission in his mind; Save Steve. Can't lose Steve. Save him. Watching the scared expression on Steve's face as he prepared to jump out of the rafter's way, tears came to Bucky's eyes because he knew that he wouldn't make it there in time, even with the added serum. It was up to Steve to jump out of the way.

A few metres away, Bucky stopped as he watched the rafter crush his boyfriend. He heard a muffled cry, then it was as if all the noise cut off around him. All the thoughts in his mind was full of the replaying image of Steve being hit by the rafter. Was he dead? Was he still alive under there?

Wiping away the dirty tears on his face, Bucky walked to the rafter, stooped down and gripped his arms under it. Gritting his teeth and letting out a roar from the strain on his muscles, he started to lift up the rafter. He didn't care how much it hurt his muscles, nothing could compare to the pain of watching his boyfriend go down like that. His best friend of nearly one hundred years.

He could hear a movement from underneath the rafter as he pulled up the rafter higher and higher. He didn't care that the building was falling down around him or how many villains were getting away. He just wanted Steve to be alive. He needed Steve to be alive.

Bucky heard a gasp as he pushed the rafter up above his head, holding it in place with his strength. Opening his eyes, he looked down to see his boyfriend, bleeding and injured. He seemed to be covered in blood from head to toe. He didn't know if it was from the villain who lay beside him, crushed and blood spilling out, or from his own injuries.

"Steve." Bucky tightened his grip on the rafter, the plates in his metal arm making whirring noises. After this, he would have to go to Tony to fix it up, but in this moment, he couldn't care less about his arm because Steve was under him, pale and injured.

"I'm okay, baby," Steve assured him, his voice weak.

"Please, I – I don't know how much longer I can hold this," Bucky strained.

"You're doing great, baby." Bucky watched as Steve started shifting around, trying to crawl out from underneath the rafter. Even with the added serum, Bucky could see that Steve was injured really badly, probably very painfully.

When Steve had finally crawled out from under the rafter, his breaths heavy and uneven, like back when he suffered from asthma, Bucky finally dropped the rafter, the dust making his throat dry as he coughed.

"Come on, Stevie." Bucky grasped Steve under his knees and back, lifting him up so he was carrying his broken body bridal style. "You're so strong. Just keep on holding on."

Steve's head rested against his chest, his breaths starting to slow as he calmed down. His chest moved up and down in even movements as his eyes slowly started to shut.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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