"I'd buy you the world, Camila Cabello."

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It wasn't that Lauren was obsessed with Camila, per se, more so...fascinated. In every way a person could be fascinated in another person.

And she never tried to hide it, which as a result, left the younger Cuban a blushing mess...always. Like now.

They were perched on Camila's bed with the younger girl leaned over a text book and the older girl too enthralled by her girlfriend simply nibbling on a pen to even contemplate doing school work. Lauren loved how easily Camila got annoyed by her hair falling over her face when she was writing a long paragraph or how she'd huff if something was too difficult. She loved that Camila managed to sit cross-legged but still was able to lean right forward as if she were laying on the bed.

Lauren was absolutely captured by the little noises Camila made with her mouth when she was really concentrating and Lauren even loved the fact that she couldn't distract her girlfriend from the task at hand. It showed her determination. It showed Camila wasn't just a ditsy celebrity.

And then there were all the things that captivated Camila about Lauren. Like how she could so obviously stare at her without shame but stay quiet so she could focus on her work. She loved how Lauren would occasionally tickle her back just to remind her she was still there. She loved the small kiss Lauren left on her neck when she had it exposed. She adored the very scent of the girl because she felt safe when she lathered in it.

So she was left wondering why she'd been so confused about their relationship, because all those indicated a good, healthy relationship. She was appreciating her partner in all her simplicity, wasn't that what made for a long-lasting partnership?

"Laur, you need to do some work." She finally sat up and faced her starry-eyed girlfriend.

"Fuck work." Lauren smirked.

"You can't have that mentality about everything." Camila sighed as she pushed her books away and decided that this was the perfect time to properly get to know her girlfriend. "What do you want to do when you leave school?"

"What?" This conversation had taken a turn Lauren hadn't expected. "Why do you care?"

"Why do I care?" The younger girl laughed. "Because you're my girlfriend and I want to know your interests? Is that so bad?"

"What if I just want to finish high school? What if I have no idea what I want to do?"

"That's okay," Camila reached out and touched her hand to the pale one resting in Lauren's lap. "Relax, I'm just curious. You're worming your way into my heart and I know next to nothing about you."

"Why would you want to know me, Camila Cabello?" Lauren scoffed and shook her head. "How do you know that this isn't fleeting for you? That I won't just be someone you chopped down to experimenting?"

"Nothing about us is an experiment," The brown-eyed girl gave her girlfriend's hand a tight squeeze. "You know that. Let me know you." She caught the hesitancy in her favourite set of green eyes. "This is what scared me, Lauren. How easily I'm falling for you and not even knowing who I'm falling for."

"You know how I feel about you, isn't that enough?"

"You could be out doing anything when we're apart! You could be a serial killer for all I know and I don't think I could allow myself to fall for a serial killer."

"I'm not a serial killer."

"What do you do when we're not together?"

"Think about you," Lauren shrugged and her answer made heat rise up to Camila's face. "I do, you know? I think about you a lot because there's not a lot of good in my life other than you."

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