"Fix Camila."

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"I don't know what to do anymore, Luce," Alessia sighed as she ran her fingers through her girlfriend's knotted hair, feeling the girl's soft breaths whisper against her chest where her head rested. "You won't let me in."

"You breaking up with me?" The way Lucy asked it...like there was this resolve she'd already had upon this idea...this kind of defeat that struck a cord in the curly-haired girl.

"Do you want me to?" Because at this point, Alessia was sort of sure Lucy did.

It wasn't that Lucy lacked in her affections towards Alessia, it was just...two weeks had morphed into two months without Lauren and they'd still not talked about it. Lucy would scurry off God knows where sometimes and Alessia had even thought for a while it was to see Camila. Camila confirmed that since her first day back after shooting for the film, she'd barely even crossed paths with Lucy. The pair were avoiding each other and Camila had no idea why.

So cheating with Camila was off the tables for Alessia.

But the girl knew that something was going on with Lucy, something she was actively hiding from her girlfriend and that just fuelled the Canadian's curiosity even more.

"I guess I'm starting to accept that people leave." Lucy shrugged, tracing small patterns on Alessia's exposed stomach.

"I don't want to leave you."

"What do you want?" Lucy finally sat up, her eyes find her girlfriend's concerned ones and clenching her jaw when she realised that she was the cause of Alessia's lack of smiles recently.

"I want you back," The Canadian sighed, reaching up to tuck the hair away from Lucy's face. "I want you to annoy me again and kiss me when you're bored and be inappropriate with all our friends because that's you. I miss you." Alessia sat up a little and rubbed a hand over her face. "I want you to tell me where you go and what you do and what you're thinking. And I know that's never been on the tables for us really, we never had that kind of relationship, but I feel like we have to have that now. We need that normal kind of place where we can tell each other things. I'm not just here for you to have sex with, Lucy, I'm here because I care about you."

"I don't want you to break up with me." Lucy didn't meet her girlfriend's eyes as she said it. "But I can't tell you what I do. I can promise you I'd never cheat on you, I can promise you I'll always keep you safe and I can promise you that you are the only person I'm ever thinking about. But I can't tell you what I do." She sighed and sat back, crossing her legs. "I know you thought I was...cheating, I mean. Camila called me a couple weeks ago asking if I was because you called her asking if I was with her."

"I didn't know-I-"

"I get it," The Latina cut her off swiftly. "I would've thought you were fucking around too, it's not a trust thing. Or maybe it is, but it's not your fault. We never tried that before, the whole talking about how exclusive we actually are. We've kind of always just kept things low key."

"Do you want to-"

"You're my girlfriend," Lucy nodded. "And I'm in love with you. And I'm sorry I made you think otherwise."

"Holy shit, Luce, you can't just-"

"Well I fucking did, so can we not make a big deal out of it please?" The first semblance of a smile played on Lucy's lips and Alessia felt her heart leap in her chest. "Camila's hot but she's totally still taken and so am I, so please don't think you ever have competition."

"Would it freak you out if I said I love you too?"

"Not really," Lucy shrugged. "I'm pretty hot, you know?" She sighed as she leaned forward and pressed her lips against the soft ones of her girlfriend's, loving the honey taste of her lips. "I'm sorry I've been so fucking out of the loop, baby."

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