"You're more than you think, Lucy Vives."

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"Stop it!" Normani whisper-yelled as she slapped the Latina's arm.

"What?" Lucy hissed.

"You're staring."

"She's hot." The older girl scoffed and pulled her textbook out of her locker.

"You need to break up with Alessia," The Texan sighed.

"I am. Today." Lucy confirmed.

She decided it last night when her mind had once again wondered over to Camila after she lit a joint. She remembered staring at the burning herb between her finger, the orange glow never seemed so entrancing. And then Camila's face had flashed through her mind and through no control of her own, Lucy extinguished the blunt and groaned. That's what Camila was doing to her. She was unknowingly making Lucy feel like shit about smoking.

She decided then that she had to at least fill Alessia in on what was going on in her mind. The girl had kept her afloat for the past few weeks and Lucy owed her honest at the very least.

"You're doing it again." Normani slapped the same spot on Lucy's arm.

"Seriously, I'm gonna fucking drop you if you hit me again."

"Quit staring at Camila." The younger girl warned.

"Fine," Lucy huffed and slammed her locker door closed. "But only because I'm trying to be a decent fucking friend."

"Luce, come on, you know you're an amazing friend," Normani sighed. "Not a lot of people would just...give up, you know?"

"Not a lot of people have as much making up they do as I do."

"What the hell?" The dark-skinned girl frowned beyond Lucy and when the older girl turned, she saw why.

Camila Cabello was making her way over...and she wasn't adorning that scowl Lucy had grown accustomed to. Lucy had already taken in what Camila was wearing today, she also couldn't find herself hating it no matter how much she wished she could. Tight-fitting cappuccino coloured pants and a white-collared blouse certainly suited Camila very well and Lucy despised that she couldn't argue that.

"Hey," The Cuban greeted, eyes darting between Normani and Lucy.

"Sup, Mila?" It was painfully obvious how rigged Normani's stance was and Lucy wanted to slap her this time for making it obvious there was tension.

"Hey." Lucy nodded, still sort of bewildered that Camila had approached Normani with her being there. The Cuban had made it very obvious she was avoiding all contact with Lucy.

"Can I have a minute with you?" Lucy only really registered the question when she met Camila's eyes, finding them already looking to her.

"Uh, sure...why?" From her peripheral, Lucy could see Normani giving her a certain look and all she wanted to do was plead with the girl to wipe it off her face because she was making this interaction even more painfully awkward.

"Just...to talk?"

"Um, yeah, okay," The older Latina nodded and eyed Normani with a subtle glare. "I'll catch you in second, Mani."

Normani gave Lucy one more warning look before slipping away and then it was just Lucy and Camila and the fight Lucy had to win to avoid eye-contact with the Latina beside her. Camila led the way as they began to walk.

She sort of considered going to the roof for some privacy so she could talk to Lucy properly but then decided not to. The roof was her and Lauren's place, no one else was allowed there. So she opted for the older Latina's favourite spot at the school and started for the backdoor. She knew Lucy might even smoke a joint but when she promised Lauren she'd make up with the girl, she knew it would mean accepting all her flaws again.

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