Chapter four- A New Hope

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   "I want to name her Hope, I think that would be a nice name for her," the woman rubbed me on my back, making me purr. "hope is what I believe is still inside of her, even in her darkest days." The woman picked me up into her arms. I meowed softly, to tell her that I liked my name. "Is this appointment finished then?" Wondered the woman. "Yes, you can take little Hope home now, just remember in about a week to come back for another check up." Replied the vet. "See you again in a week then, Bye." Then me and the woman went back out the door of the clinic. I was set back down in the cardboard box, and placed in the passenger seat next to the woman. 

  "My name is Jordyn, and that mean man who hurt you is David," I meowed to tell Jordyn that I understood. "we have two dogs, but they won't met you until your bigger and able to really play with them."

  Jordyn began driving the route that we took to get to the clinic, to get back home. I clawed and played in the box, but mostly on my back because of the cast. The cast felt tight and kept my leg from really even moving, I wanted it to be off. Struggling didn't do much for me, just made me lose my energy. I was tired, and curled up into a ball and went to sleep. I woke up on the ground of a room, it smelled fimiliar to me. 'This is where that mean man lives' I thought to myself. I decided to take this alone time to learn how to walk again, I struggled a lot, but in the end I learned a little bit of how to walk with the cast. I walked normally on my front legs, but replyed on my one back leg for most of the balance. It was hard to learn, but I would manage until I am healed.

  "I don't want another dumb animal to stay here!" "I don't care about what you want! Hope needs us!" There was a fight between Jordyn and David. "That cat doesn't deserve a home! She was a dumb stray!" "Strays deserve love too! Just let her stay!" "No!" Screamed David.

  I heard a loud thud on the ground. Shivers went through me as I bolted towards where they were. Inside my body I felt my heart being broken into half, Jordyn had a hurt eye and ways laying on the ground. She turned to me, and I saw the pain. BLOOD. I felt something burst inside my tiny body, even with a hurt leg I would get my revenge. I turned towards David who was standing there staring down at his hurt wife. I roared a hiss in the back of my throat, David took a step back. I puffed up my back and all my fur, and had my claws ready to fight. David wasn't going to leave here without any marks for revenge. I felt strength rise through my whole body, claws sharp, small agile body, and smarts in my brain was all I need. Hiss! David stepped back again, now staring me straight in the eyes. Some tales say you should never stare a cat in the eyes, because a wild cat (or stray) would take that as a threat to their territory. I took a threat towards Jordyn who rescued me, I would protect her from David.

  "Tell this stupid cat to calm down!" Yelled the man as he ran into another room. I thought I had won, but still had Jordyn hurt. Her eye was kind of bleeding, and I could taste her tears going down her face. I leapt into her lap as she sat up, she was hurt and sad from David yelling. 

  "Why did I ever marry that guy..." Jordyn started to cry again. "I've told you to get rid of that cat, but since you won't listen to me..." David entered the room again. I felt Jordyn go tense, and heard her start breathing heavily. "This cat will be gone when I'm done with it!" David pulled out a b-b gun. Gasp! "No! Please! Don't do this to her!" Screamed Jordyn as she got up of the ground.

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