Chapter 2. Thoughts...

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Hello my gorgeouse readers! How are you enjoying the story? I would much appreciate it if you told your friends to give this a read! cheers :) xxx



I stood there looking at the scenery for a good 5 minutes with Luke holding me in his arms, uintill i turned around to face Luke. I looked into his gorgeous brown eyes and put my hands on his shoulders, i stood on my tipitoes and he wrapped his hands around my waist, he started leaning in and was about to kiss me when i felt a rush of water hit my face. i fell back into the water and went underneath it, i came up coughing up the water i just inhaled as Beau started pissing himself laughing. "Fuck off Beau!" Luke yelled. "Awh Beau, you just ruined their moment!" Jai said also pissing himself laughing. "Faggots you need to fuck off and leave" Luke replied.

Luke picked me up out of the water, holding me by my hand, as we were both side by side now. He started walking infront of me as i trailed behind him. The water flicked up at my face whilst i walked through the water, it was cold as it hit my skin.

We got to the front of my tent and i stood there awkwardly whilst looking at my feet. I looked up and Luke looked me in my eyes, "Im going to go to bed." i said, breaking the awkwardness, well trying to. "Okay. Have a good sleep gorgeous" Luke said, hugging me. I released and i admired his perfect body for a minute, "Night smiley" He laughed. i watched as he walked into the darkness towards his campsite. 

I unzipped my tent quietly and then got into it. I flung of my cold, wet bikinis, hoping into my trackies and a hoodie. i was absolutley freezing! I jumped onto my blowup bed and snuggled into the covers. My mind ticked with questions ..... "are me and Luke dating?" "Does he like me?" "Hes so sexy!" "I want him!" .... i couldnt stop thinking about him. My attraction to him was incredible! I kept thinking about him, i couldnt stop thinking about him. i felt my eyes droop and they got heavier and heavier ....

I was awoken by the sound of cockatoos squaking through the air, i rubbed my eyes sleepily. I flung the covers off of my body and picked my phone of the ground. 5:23. "Are you fucking kidding me?!" i thought to myself. I stood out of bed and looked around the room. I chucked a hoodie on and grabbed a torch of off the tent floor. "Im awake now, may aswell make the most of it". I walked out of my tent whilst zipping it up very quietly. 

I walked on the track and eventually got into the bush. I found a nice place to sit which overlooked the river and the magnificent sunrise. I took out my phone and snapped a few picks, they were pretty good if i must say so myself! I sat untill it was light and i walked back to my tent. Everyone was still asleep so i went back to sleep aswell.


Hello ... again! Sorry about the shortness of the chapter but yeah! aha :) xxx

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