Im drowing.......and I can't see the light

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Jesse POV
Me and steve walked for hours...the sky got darker by each minute. "How much futher Jesse?" Steve asked. "Just over this hill" I said to him.

We climbed to the top of the hill easily. My eyes widened when I reach the top. The village had been run down...there where holes in the ground and block chuncks everywhere.

"Maybe it still down there" I said. I wasn't going to loss hope. We had come to far to give up..."alright let's go" steve said.

It wasn't long before we came to the entrance of the village or.....what's left of it.

"I look left" I said to steve. He nodded as he went right. I walked left. As I did I heard creeks from the houses as I walked.

'It's too quite' I said in my head. I felt like I was being watched. Soon I saw a house that was my family's house.

I walked in. Most of it was still together. Their where a few holes here and there. A picture caught my eye. It had dust on it.

I picked it up and blowed some of the dust off it. It was me and petra....we looked like we where thirteen.

I remember this day...we found a pig walking around outside the village and named him...........reuben. We three looked so happy. Reuben was between me and petra.

I put my hand on petra as a tear went down my was I supposed to do this.....I don't even know if this stupid sword would save her!

I put the picture in my pocket as I continue to look around. As I went outside something caught my eye.

It was a run down house but had somethings together. I walked inside and.........I couldn't believe was the sword!!! "Yes" I said.

I put my hand on it as I lift it up. I put it on my back where my sword holder was.

"STEVE I FOUND IT!" I shouted. But there was no response. "Steve?" I said. There still was not respond.

I turned a coner to have my eyes widened. It was petra.......and she had steve to the ground. "Hand me the sword...and your friend won't die" he said.

I looked at steve. "JESSE DON'T DO IT!" he shouted. Oh no.....what was I going to do...the only thing to maybe save petra was in my hands and if I didn't give it up...steve was going to die....and for really this time.

"Let him go first!" I shouted. "HAND ME THE SWORD!!!! TICK-TOCK YOUR FRIEND IS GOING TO DIE SOON!" He yelled.

"FINE!, fine ok you win" I said. I walked up to the monster. I had a plan. I took the sword of my back and had it in my hands. "Good choice Jesse" he said.

I looked at him and went in for the slice but he caught what I was doing. He's eye's turned whiter as I was lift off the ground and was torn. I hit a wall really hard as I fell to the ground.

I lift up my head...I was breathing heavy. Then the monster's eye's turned even brighter as he started to take steve spirit soul. Soon.......steve was gone.

I was alone. My vision started to turn darker as my eye's closed.........steve .......petra......
Everything was sinking....drowing. As the light I always believed in...was gone...when I wake up.....I would be alone.....with only the last part of me still fighting.........

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