This Cant be Happening.

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The music started and so did Yuri.

His performance was going divinely, until he started to do his jumps.
"Beautiful triple axel from Yuri!" One of the reporters from the sidelines called.
He landed it.
'I don't feel...very...'Yuri thought to himself as he was about to make another jump.
"Gorgeous Triple toe touch!" The reporter was starting to get on his nerves.
It was starting to become blurry.
He looked around.Blurry.
'Why is everything so blur-'
He was cut off when the crowd went wild when he did a Quad.
He was almost done.
'Just a little more Yuri. You can do this!' He thought as he did his finale sequence.
Dizzy.Dizzy! He felt...Dizzy? How? He never feels Dizzy when he does jumps! 'I don't think I can finish this...NO! Don't think like that Yuri! Get that gold! For Victor.' He was almost done and he wasn't going to let his conscience get ahead of him.'The spiral...Last thing...just..a little more.' His Dizziness and Blurriness only grew.
Stop.The music stopped, so he stopped.
"An amazing Performance from Yuri Katsuki!"
'Stop it.' He never did like cameras or reporters, but that's what came with skating.
He took deep breaths, still holding his pose. His head was spinning. 'What's going on with me I never act like this!' His thought washed off him as he stopped posing and made his way to the Rink wall where Victor wait.
But this was different. He felt as if he had never skated in his life. His legs became wobbly. His blurry vision and dizziness didn't help much either as he tried the best he could to skate to rink wall.


"Yuri?" Victor called to him but no response came. This icy floor touch his cheek like summers fresh rain.
"Yuri!" Another call came but no response.
'I' tired... I'll practice later Victor.' He thought to him self as his eyes closed.

Frantic foot steps and yells were the last thing he heard before falling victim to the cold darkness...

I know you all probably hate cliff hangers as much as I do, but don't worry another chapter will come soon! Writing is the only fun thing to do when school starts so I'm just deep in a hole.

Slowly Fading //Yuri on Ice FanficWhere stories live. Discover now