More destruction

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Days went by and more and mkre things were getting destroyed by the supervillain dog but nobody could stop him.

He was indestructable steve couldnt do anything he was hust a child he was so powerless. If the solidiers couldnt stop him what was he supposed to do.
Steve and his parents went back to the dog shelter where they looked at the other dogs there eyes they were different to the supervillains eyes his where red with darkness but the puppies eyes they were blue with enlightenment how could steve help them. Steve asked hisbmum for all three of the leftover dogs. His mum said yes so he took the dogs home and they appeared to talk but they said thankyou for saving us we need to stop supervillain dog or else your planet is doomed. Steve let them out the door they flew of into the sky.

Later that night...

Steve and his family were watching the news and on thst it said there was a dog fight with the three superhero pups and supervillain dog.

At he fight...

You will never stop me this planet is the one that euined ours so im gonna destroy theres. Said the superbillain dog

If you destroy this planet you will destroy our new home said the superdogs.

They carried on fighting but the tiniest superdog shot supervillain dog with his laser eyes and burned supervillain dog the pup fell to the floor he used up all his power he coulsnt walk a man took the pup away from the dight and helped the pup.
See these humans are nice you dont need to kill them.

To be continued.

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