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After your date with Tao you returned to an empty Hotel room. Curious as to why this was so you decided to call your Manager. But you reached her voice mail.

"Hello? Manager kim? Where are you I havent seen you all day and now your not home? is everything alright?"  You asked almost frantically, you dropped the phone and sat on the large arm chair in the lounge. This was really strange behaviour coming from Manager kim, Yes she is a grown women and can look after herself. But to not be present the whole day when you were infact working and it wasnt her day off was pretty weird.

Knock... Knock... Knock...

You got off the couch and made your way to the main suite door, you looked trough the peep hole to see who was there. It was your Manager. 'Why doesnt she have her key' you thought to yourself while opening the door.

Manager kim looked flushed in her face and her hair was kinda messy but you ignored her appearance and opened the door wide for her.


"Manager kim what happened to you? You were gone the whole day! I was so worried."  Iscreamed  as I made my way to hug her.

She stopped with her hand she had a stern look on her face she almost lookrd angry at me.

"Well clearly I look fine and well. Im a grown women I can look after myself. " Manager kim said shaking me off her.

I looked at her shocked and hurt, all I did was care for her safety and wondered where she was! Some people wouldnt really care that way for their manager but Manager kim was family she's been there for me when I needed her the most. I was about to explain to her why I was so worried when she said :"Your just like your brother always over reacting and quick to jump the gun. I would try and be more calm if I was you or you'd end up like your brother."

The room went cold and silent, I swear you could cut the tension with a butter knife.  Manager kim knew she crossed the line when she said that to me, mentioning my brother was a blow below the belt and all it did was make me angry. I walked towards Manager Kim stopping when there was only enough space to fit a fist between us. Manager Kim didnt flinch nor take a step back and even though I toward over her she still held her own. I let out a sarcastic laugh looking at Manager Kim. "I would watch my mouth if I was you Manager Kim. Even though you like family to me, you should always remember that I am still the person you work for so your attitude could get you fired. Oh and also it was really unprofessional of you when you werent present today during filming. I would have understood if you left a note or something but to relay the message onto me through someone else is really sketchy." I said before walking away towards the main door just as I was about to turn the handle to leave I lookrd over my shoulder and said,"As for the comment you made about my brother, 
I would be wise as to not mention him again."



It was such a long night, the whole day I was thinking about ____. I was wondering if she was having fun at her date but all it did was make me anxious inside. Tao is known in our group for being an extreme flirt and extremely cocky, which did annoy me.

I walked around our apartment the kids were playing video games while the older members were busy doing their own thing. I walked into my bedroom waiting for Tao to return home, I kept wondering how he's date with ______ went. I overheard him talking to Kris about his date and how great it was going to be. I scoffed to myself at that moment Xiumin walked into the room.

"Why do you look so angry? Weren't you just with your girlfriend?" Xiumin asked me, I smiled at the word girlfriend.  Although I didnt officially ask ____ to ve my girlfriend the word seemed to fit her just right.

"Haha she's not my girlfriend... yet." I said
"Regardless why are you angry? Did something happen?"

"No im just thinking about how cocky Tao was when he was explaining his date the other day."

"So your jealous?"

I looked at Xiumin he startrd to laugh,  he normally did this when hr got me.

"Im not jealous." I said through stiff lips which made Xiumin laugh even harder.

"Your such an ass"

"Sorry its just really funny seeing you like this. All lovey dovey." Xiumin said with a squishy expression. I laughed at him and started to think... Am I in love? Do I really love _____? Is this what a man inlove looks like?

"Would you say im Inlove Xiumin?"

"I dont know... But if you are how you going to sustain your relationship if you both live on opposite sides of the world?"

That question has been running through my mind since I acknowledged my feeligs for ____, and I always told mysrlf ill sort it out when I got there... I guess today was that day. After explaining my situation to Xiumin we heard a large thud clearlt Tao was home when we heard Shoutig in the living room. Me and Xiumin left the room and made our way to the lounge were Tao was explaining his date. I just hope ___ wasnt this enthusiastic about the date like Tao was.

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