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The next day I was more than excited to go on my date with _____. I had the perfect "Date" planned for us today. The reason I said "Date" was because it was more of a friend date than a date date. I got ready and ate my breakfast before I left the dorm with my manager and pd noona. The Kids were all sleeping when I left the dorm so there was no need to say goodbye to them.

In the car I wasnt really paying attention to what anyone was saying. I was trying to figure out all the pieces to this anonymous jigsaw puzzle. Last night no one was acting out of the norm so it brought me to a near dead end but I managed to sneak into all my members rooms. The last room I investigated was Xiumins room which was also Luhan's room. I searched his draw to find any clues when I saw receipts, I wasnt able to read them since I heard voices near the bedroom door. I shoved the reciepts back into the draw and sat on the bed coolly acting as if nothing happened, luckily no one came into the bedroom. Giving off a sigh of relief I got up and left the room finished with my investigating.

I came out of my deep thought only to realise we were at our date venue. We were in the country side and waiting outside was the crew for 'A DATE WITH EXO' , ____ wasn't here yet so it gave me extra time to just confirm some things with the staff. After ten minutes ____ arrived but she didnt look like her normal self she looked tired and sad. Manager kim came alone too and Woah! did she look angry yet she looked even prettier. I waved at them and gained a wave from _____ she smiled but it didn't reach her eyes like it normally did.

They walked closer to me but Manager Kim walked towards the staff leaving me and ____ a lone. "Still not better?" I asked her pullying her into an embrace. "No" ___ answered hugging me back. After a while we ended our embrace giving each other a warm smile.

"So what are we doing today? walking in the country side?"

"No not really what we actually doing is this." I reached into my pocket and brought out a brochure. _____'s was almost beaming when she saw the picture on the front page.


I grabbed her hand and led her to the directors, they were busy talking to the sky diving director about something.

"We ready!! Can me get going now?" I asked with excitement in my voice.

____ was equally excited she was jumping up and down smiling from ear to ear.

"In just a bit. Your instructor is just going to run through some things with you too then you should be good to go."

The instructor told us the basic rules of sky diving before he got to the technical stuff. Since me and ____ were new to this two instructors would be jumping with us. ____ and I got changed into the jump suits and received further instructions.

"Im so excited!" _____ said, we were inside the plane now we were really close to the drop off site as they called it. We had to wear a camera so that the production team could see everything from below.

"Okay! We at the drop off site! Evrryone ready?!" The instructor screamed out as the plane door opened. Me and ____ looked out each other and back to the instructor. "Okay lets do this!" The male instructor attached to the back of me screamed out. We made our way to the front of the open door and was it a site! You could see as far as the horizon, my instructor gave me a pat signalling me that we were going to jump out now. I nodded and heard "3..2..1.." before we were air born. It was such a rush being feeling the cool air wip my face, my heart race as we got closer to the surface of the earth. My instructor pulled a rope which deployed the parachute, we sailed through the air like a bird, I noticed ____ on my right with her instructor they were also glidig through the air like me. She caught my eye and gave me a big thumbs up.

We finally reached earth safely aswell as ____.

"OH MY GOSH KYUNGSOO!!! THAT WAS SO AMAZING!!"_____ yelled. I laughed and high fived her. As we were walking back to the managers I arranged for us to be transported together in the same car. The journey to the nearest town was an hours.


We sat in a quiet restraunt near the mountains. It was extremely tranqual exactly what____ and I needed. The restraunt was part of the spa/resort. I planned after lunch we both would get a deep tissue massage and since _____ was feeling down and stressed recently I also booked a facial and pedicure for her.

"This amazing Kyungsoo!"_____ exclaimed as she looked down at her food. We ate a wonderful meal.

[A/N: Its the dream dish you wish you could eat with D.O]

After lunch we got our massages and ____ enjoyed her facial and massage. It was already late when we left the spa. Late being 22:00. We mase our way back to SM where we had to do our interview.


Interview Room

D.O's Pov

Interviewer:" How did you enjoy your date?"

Me:"It was really great. ____ enjoyed every minute of it!"

Interviewer:" How much would you rate this date out of 12"

D.O:" I would rate this date 12 out of 12. There wasn't anything I would change. I loved every moment of it.

Your POV

Interviewer:" Hello again _____, how did you enjoy your date with Kyungsoo?"

You:" It was the best date ive been on! He planned it so well!"

Interviewer:" Is there anything you would change?"

You:" The fact that time didnt stay still."

Interviewer:" What would rate this date out of 12 and why?"

You:" I would rate it 12 out of 12. It was everything a girl like me could ask for."




Kyungsoo and _____ were making their way down the long corridor to ____ suit door. The were joking around and talking about the date which they just had. Just before saying Good Night kyungsoo told ____ how he found a reciept in one of his members draws. He did not say whos room it was in, he didnt want to assume anything. Yes it was in the room xiumin and luhan stayed in but it didnt mean it was theirs. After saying good bye to _____ kyungsoo made his way to the elevator. But! Little did he know someone else holding a bouquet of ______ favourite flowers was making his up to the same floor as Kyungsoo. Slipping a note into the bouquet he waited for the elevator door to open.

The doors finally opened just as Kyungsoo was about to walk into the elevator, he noticed the bouquet of ____ favourite flowers. He couldn't believe who was holding them. They were both silent before the man holding the flowers spoke.

"I guess you know my secret now."

Kyungsoo laughed and nodded his head before getting into the elevator. Kyungsoo:" Im just happy its you and not the other members."

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