Somethings aren't meant to be explained.

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My mobile then rang, who ever wanted me wanted me right now.


"Morning you minx, how is he? Is he still there?"

Dom fired questions at me, and I felt each bullet hit my throat, each word like a bullet piercing me.

"No... he left while I slept."

I heard his phone crackle, shifting and a female voice took over his.

"What do you mean the little bastard isn't there?"


"He left. Gone. Poof."

I heard Brooke gasp.

"Well the little cunt is on the front of the Sunday times style Magazine with Malibu Dylan.."

"And..." That confirmed it he only wanted honey and not the beehive. I felt a burning dread come over me.

"They're engaged?" Brooke's voice was filled with as much as I felt, I felt winded, I had to sit down.

"W.. What?"

"I'll bring the copy over now, i'll handle this sweetie. Malibu's career is in my hands and I want to rock this bitch."

Dom took the phone.

"Leave William to me and Isaac."

All so caring, all so smothering. Can't they just fuck off? I'm not ten and this isn't about scoring points but I have to admit at this very moment I want nothing but Malibu Dylans fucking head on stick. That wretched false slut, she's nothing but a sleeping bag for men.

I pressed the end-call button and let the phone drop from my hand and bounce to the floor. I got up off the sofa and moved out onto my tiny balcony, feeling ill. I felt alcohol swirling around my stomach and emotions cutting my heart strings. I was exhausted and didn't have any energy to cry, I simply lit a cigarette and stood there blankly, only moving to take a drag and exhale. 

My head burned, I was still struggling to come to complete terms with it. I looked down into the apartment buildings garden and saw a rose bush smothering what seemed to be a briar plant, and it being the springtime of the year the flowers where freshly blooming... well trying to. I felt like that little briar plant, struggling to breathe, to reach the sun.

I was snapped back from my thoughts when I felt something seep down my thigh. Fuck. I didn't go to the bathroom last night after my 4am private party. I skipped to the bathroom frantically and started running the shower, ripping my clothes off me, but not in the way I had ripped williams from him the night before, this was more of "Ew get the fuck off of me" than a "take off your clothes and fuck me" sort of deal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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