Chapter 2

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I was currently seated in the private jet my parents had provided for Alya and me. With teary goodbyes (especially my parents since they were so happy they didn't have to go to the wretched meeting), I managed not to feel homesick for 2 hours, until it finally hit me.

The private jet was luxurious with plush couches and had silk carpets laid out. After all, it was the exact same jet my parents traveled on when they went to visit other countries. There were many houseplants placed accordingly to give the jet some color. My personal favorite was the small cactus that was next to the fish tank.

How those fish were managed I did not know. How their waste was cleaned was also a mystery. However, I had a feeling I wouldn't like what I heard. I was told that it would take 10 hours to finally reach Cali. In the meantime, I was watching some anime.

Yuri on Ice was wonderful, although some moments left me crying. While Haikyuu got me squealing and tackling Alya. However, Kuroshitsuji, or Black Butler, I had binged watched all the seasons and the specials during the entire flight. By the time I had finished a few other animes, (Noragami, Kaichou wa Maid sama, Romeo X Juliet, Bungo Stray Dogs, etc) I was yawning and curling onto the chair.

2 hours into my beauty sleep, I was woken up by Alya, who was shaking me. She was currently in uniform, which I thought was a bit strange until she whispered to me, "Mari, it's time to get onto the car. We want to be as conspicuous as possible, so we're driving an Acura. I know you don't mind, a warning. Some royals will be meeting us there, so I suppose your current attire is fair enough."

I blearily nodded, not accustomed from lack of sleep, or jet lag in this case. I shambled off of the jet and climbed onto the passenger seat of the small Acura. Alya carried our luggage into the trunk of the car. Before climbing onto the passenger seat, I noticed the license plate, which had the digits, 'EZ2RMBR.' I chuckled at the joke.

I noticed the inside of the car was quite clean except with the occasional black cat hair on the seat. The seats were made out of leather and gave off a plush feel. I giggled a bit as I bounced up and down on it. In the front, there was a container of tissues, a backpack with the Camelbak logo on it, and a spare white shirt. Or was it a jacket? I couldn't really tell from my point of view.

I made small talk with the chauffeur during the ride. He had blonde hair with vivid green eyes and was wearing a black t-shirt. He told us many jokes during entire ride to keep the silence tolerable.

"Knock knock."

I cracked a smile before replying, "Who's there?"


"Beats who?"

He chortled before replying, "Beats me."

All of a sudden, Alya burst out laughing. I spun my head around before finally getting the joke. My delayed laughter boosted the laughing. Soon, by the time we reached the meeting area, held in a convention center, he had already busted out many puns, knock-knock jokes, and riddles. I checked the address, "1201 S Figueroa St. Los Angeles, CA 90015" I murmured. "This is the place."

The chauffeur tipped his hat whilst grinning at us before driving off. I felt my heartbeat speed up a little at the kind gesture. I then stood by the sidewalk, as many bypassers looked at me with curious eyes, especially at Alya. One kid ran up to her and said, "I love your maid costume!" before running off to their parents. I had cooed at the scene before making way into the building.

I met up with the German Prince. Eren, I think his name was. The name sounded familiar, although I couldn't quite place it. I had curtsied, clutching the ends of my dress, and when I was over, he took my hand and kissed it. He had sheepishly laughed at my bewildered expression, "Glad to make your acquaintance, Princess..?"

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