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Today is Tuesday.
Tuesday the 23rd of March.
I've got to go to school today.
I graduate in two and a half months.
I can't wait to get out of that hell.
To get my own place far away from here.
Far away from Duece.
I won't miss anything.
Well, maybe down by the river.
It's pretty down there.
But I sure as hell won't miss anything else.

It's 0746.

I need to be at school at 0855, meaning I need to leave at 0830.
Just like every morning.
I get up and put on a pair of dark red sweatpants.
I go to grab a shirt but stop.
I look at my wrist and then to my bed.
I need to change my bed sheets.


I remove my bedding and put it in a basket in the corner.
I can't sort it out just now.
I'll do it after school.
I go into my bathroom and open the cupboard.
I grab a roll of bandages and wrap my wrist.
I'll need to get more bandages soon.


My mother.
"Awsten! Come downstairs please!"
Huh? Why's she asking me to go down?
She doesn't usually.
I shrug it off, put on a black long sleeved shirt and go downstairs.

"Awsten! Someone finally moved in next door! This is Quinn. Quinn came over to introduce them self. I was hoping you two could get along?"

"Hi! I'm Quinn, as your mum said aha!"

"Uh, hi? Awsten."

"That's a cute name."

"Uh, thanks?"

I awkwardly sit down on one of the bar stools.

"So, i'll leave you two to talk. Quinn, are your parents still outside?"

"They should be."

"Okay, well bye Awsten. Don't be late."

"I won't."

And with that my mother leaves.
Leaving me with a stranger.
Of which she expects me to get along with.
Although I suppose, Quinn is kinda cute.
Maybe we can get along?
I don't know.

"Awsten? Earth to Awsten!"

"Huh? What?"

"You spaced out."

"Oh sorry. What were you saying?"

"I asked if you could tell me about yourself. Like your hobbies, favorite bands, favorite colour?Stuff like that."

"Uhh, well, I like writing, reading and I do a lot of different expressive arts, my favorite bands are Waterparks and All Time Low and my favorite colour is green. How about you?"

"I'm a bit of an actor, I like to play drums and I do a bit of DJ-ing, my favorite artist is S3RL and my favorite colour is burgundy. How about favorite animal? My favorite is tigers."

"I really like albino lions."

"Aw, those are so pretty. My cousin seen some last year while on holiday. She took pictures they were so cute!"

"You really like to talk, don't you."

"Oh, uh sorry aha. I get carried away."

"Ahaha, nah it's cool. I'm not one for conversation so it's nice when others talk."

"Awh, well that's good then haha."

"Yeah, I guess so. Anyway I better go get dressed for school."

"Oh yeah, that's probably a good idea. I should too."

"Have you moved school as well?"

"Uh yeah why?"

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