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      "Showtime, boys!" Called a voice from behind the dressing room door. It was a French accent, the familiar tone of Arthur's boss Francis. Francis also happened to own the club, manage the dancers, and coincidentally, was Arthur's best friend.

      Arthur looked around the dressing room, observing his fellow dancers as they chatted casually like they weren't about to swing from poles. One dancer even talked about how he was going to spend the upcoming holiday with his family. Arthur snickered. He'd bet money his fellow stripper's family had no idea the man had such a sinful profession. With a sigh, Arthur turned back to his vanity and picked up his lighter.

      Tonight was the beginning of his new opening act, and with a twinge of nervousness, he lit another cigarette. The crystal ash tray on the vanity was filling up quickly. Relax, Arthur, he thought to himself. Unsure, his emerald green eyes looked up to the vanity mirror in front of him, taking in the slim, leather-bound figure reflected in it. Arthur let out a breath, and stood up. He fixed his tight leather jacket, smoothed the wrinkles in his even tighter leather pants, and with a smirk, took one last glance in the mirror. He reeked sex appeal. From his tousled bond hair, to the many ear piercings, even his choker and heeled boots, Arthur looked the very definition of promiscuous. Perfect. He had forgotten why he had ever doubted himself. The show must go on. And with one last drag of his cigarette, he snuffed it into the ashtray and walked right out the door to a room more loud and large.

With a nod of his head the music blared through the speakers of the crowded, rowdy club. He waited as the noise settled down, and the curtain opened in a flash of cheers. One, two, three... He stepped hotly onto the stage, moving each step to the music. He was at the center, moving to the beat as the crowd roared.

"Gentlemen, welcome to the stage one of our best dancers. He's going to put on quite a show for us today – if we're lucky." Francis announced. "Give it up for Artemis!"

      Arthur flashed a seductive stare into the crowd, ignoring the fanfare as he slowly made his way over to the pole on the left of the stage. The music got louder and with a dashing sense of confidence, Arthur turned, looking over his shoulder as he slid the jacket off him with a daring look. The leather was tossed across the stage, and all the men went wild. Arthur smirked as he wrapped a hand around the pole. It was nice having the attention, seeing how the men practically threw money, (as well as themselves) at him. His body contorted to the metal object in his grasp as he hoisted himself up and slid down with a speed incredibly slow. The leather on his thighs was working him up a sweat, and he felt hot all over. Maybe it was the music, the whistles and shouts, or the smell of nicotine and gin getting to his head. He sunk to the stage, position showcasing his fabric wrapped thighs, and slipped off his thin white shirt. The cold air felt abrasive to his pale, milky chest. Excited shouts filled the smoke-intoxicated atmosphere. The crowd was mesmerized.

"My, oh my. Looks like we might get to see a little bit extra today." Francis told the audience with a mischievous grin, " Quite rare."

      Arthur stared lustfully, enjoying the reaction as he crawled to the edge of the stage and blew kisses to the crowd. Hands reached out to him, but he dodged them gracefully, standing straight back up. He turned around, and strutted back up to the stage, giving everyone a view of the leather canvased tightly over his ass. He looked back again, wicked smile streaking his face as he turned to the audience again and unbuttoned his pants. There was a symphony of cat calls. Arthur licked his lip, biting down as the fabric was pulled down his thighs. And the song ended. Arthur chuckled, pulling up the pants a bit.

"Sorry boys, come back tomorrow if you wanna see more. I'll be waiting for you."

      There was a whine from the audience and then excited applause as Arthur slung the jacket over his shoulder and walked backstage. But not before he gave the crowd one last suggestive gesture.

"Mon dieu, Arthur! The crowd just can't get enough of you!" Francis exclaimed, blue eyes wide. 

      Arthur chuckled, taking a seat beside his friend at the bar. The bartender put two glasses in front of them, as he did every day – a scotch for the Englishman and wine for the Frenchman. Though mostly all the two did was fight, they made a great pair. 

"I'm exhausted," Arthur sighed, "It's so damn hot up on stage." The dancer took a swig of his drink, looking worse for wear. 

"Well, you have the rest of the night off. That was your last show of the day, mon ami." Francis told with sympathy. 

"You're right. Ah, but I don't quite want to go back to my flat.. Maybe I'll stay here just a tad longer." Arthur admitted, wiping his sweat off with a towel. 

"Don't you have someone waiting for you?" Francis wondered, with a suggestive look. 

      It was a common occurrence for Arthur to take someone home with him after work. Though it was against the rules to have sex with the costumers, Francis didn't quite care. It wasn't really his business who his buddy slept with. And besides, if it made his friend less grumpy, he was all for it.

"No. It's been several months since anyone's went home with me.. Doesn't matter anyways, I'll–"

"Several months?!" Francis repeated in shock. 

Arthur scowled and took another long drink of his scotch. 

"Yes. I guess I just got tired... All these men are the same.. They'll sleep with anything that has a pulse. And most of them aren't even a good fuck. They think I'm there just to get them off!" Arthur admitted, putting his head down on the counter. "I don't know, Frog. Maybe I'm better off. But if nothing happens soon, I'm going to explode from sexual frustration."

      Francis patted his friend's back, feeling bad for him. " I'm sure there's got to be someone out there somewhere!"

"I hope you're right," Arthur sighed, "Though I'm not optimistic."

"You never know, mon ami," Francis chimed, "Sometimes strange things happen in this lust hungry world."

"Yeah, yeah. Well I guess I'll keep an eye out. I better get home. See you tomorrow."
"Au revoir!"

      Arthur grabbed his coat and walked out the door with a frown. Francis didn't know what he was talking about.


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