Zane's New job

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I dare Zane to get a job at Freddy Fazbear's- KittyRainbowgirl101

Zane: Oh, come on! Why this?

Annie: Have to do the dare, metal man

Foxy: This is gonna be fun, huh matey?

Zane: (grumbles)

Later that night: 2am, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

Zane: huh, this isn't so bad (flips up camera)

(Sees Bonnie isn't on stage)

Zane: where is he?!

Annie: (on the phone) you may want to check your left door, Zane

Zane: Annie?! Why are you on the phone?!

Annie: phone guy called in sick, so I'm filling in for him

Zane: (checks left door and sees Bonnie there) Ah! (shuts door) that was close

Zane: (flips up camera to see Chica missing) now where did the duck go?!

Annie: Chica's a chicken, dumbass

Zane: (puts camera down only to be jumpscared by Chica)


Foxy: wow, ye didn't even survive the first night! (laughs)

Zane: S-Shut up, Foxy! (shivers)

Annie: Chica told me she hates it when people call her a duck

Foxy: Aye, you know Chica lassey?

Annie: we've talked once or twice

Zane: be quiet both of you! (blushes with embarrassment)

Foxy: Oi, can one of ye dare Annie to do something? She be getting off lucky

Zane: I agree with Foxy for once!

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Dare or ask Foxy, Zane and AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now