Fighting and FNAF 4

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I dare Foxy and Zane to fight and the loser has to play FNAF 4 in a dark room! - Cute-Ice-Girl

Zane: Oh, great....

Foxy: Aye, why this dare?

Annie: This I gotta see (grabs popcorn and sits down)

(Zane and Foxy walk into a battle arena. Annie is sitting on the bleachers)

Foxy: you ready to fight, ninja?

Zane: Bring it!


Zane: (throws ice blast at Foxy)

Foxy: (dodges and lunges right at Zane with mouth open, shrieking)

Zane: (dodges and freezes Foxy's legs, him unable to move)

Foxy: Oi, that ain't fair! (try's to break free)

Zane: Sorry, Foxy. But I won

Annie: Wow. That was fast

A few minutes later....

Annie: So, Foxy's all alone in the dark in that room over there? (points and shut door)

Zane: Yep. So, how long do you think he'll last?

(Hears a loud animatronic scream)

Annie: about that long

(Foxy runs out of room and hides behind chair)

Foxy: The goddamn cupcake got me! (starts shaking with fear)

Annie: Wow. Mr. Pirate is afraid of his own friends

Zane: (laughs) that made my day

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