Hyper Ninjas

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I dare Annie to get locked in a room with a hiper Lloyd and Jay -KittyRainbowgirl101i

Annie: of all dares, why this one?

Foxy: This is gonna fun ta watch!

Zane: (walks in) Okay, I made sure that both of them were super hyper when I put them in the room, so it's all yours, Annie (smirks)

Annie: I hate you both ( walks in and closes the door)

Zane: So, how long does Annie have to stay in there?

Foxy: Bout two hours

Zane: How long do you think she'll last without loosing her mind?

(Hears loud crash and lots of yelling)

Foxy: Aye, not very long

2 hours later...

Zane: You can come out now, Annie! (opens door)

Annie: (walks out with messy hair and ripped clothes)

Foxy: What in Freddys name happened in there, lass?!

Annie: t-they wouldn't stand still for one second........they acted like hyper cats!

Foxy: I can see that

Annie: How are they so hyper?!

Zane: I may or may not have put some candy in their cereal this morning...

Annie: You what? (glares furiously at Zane)

Foxy: Ha! Ye just made me day!

Annie: You are so dead! (tackles Zane)

Zane: OW! Hey, get off me!!!

Foxy: Uh, oh. (try's to break up fight) stop it, you two! Do ye remember the last time ya fought each other?!

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Dare or ask Foxy, Zane and AnnieWhere stories live. Discover now